Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Law of Equity & Trust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Law of Equity & Trust - Essay Example The new principles of equity are now in force since previous ones are old dated. The achievement of equity is the birth of Trust1. As far as the application of Trust Law is concerned, it should repose trust and confidence in some other person to manage his or her affairs. The law of equity manages relationships and trust provides modalities to handle a number of situations, family relationships, charities, pension funds etc2. Cardinal Principle According to the law of equity, a trust is legally enforceable by the beneficiaries against the trustees provided it is created with high degree of intention; certainty of subject as well as object (the case of Knight V Knight (1840)3can be referred here. Three elements in a trust are mandatory a) certainty of intention, which ensures that the duty of a trustee or trustees is clearly defined, the way intended by the testator. It differentiates transfer through trust instead of absolute gift. The second mandatory requirement is the certainty of subject matter (refers Palmer v Simmonds (1854)4 and the allowable beneficial interests (refers Boyce v Boyce (1849)5, Re Challoner Club Ltd (1997)6 and Margulies v Margulies (2000)7) are competent of being certain. This ensures precise scope of trustee’s Dr678uties under a trust. ... Street to be held on trust for my children and further that he shall receive a reasonable part of the profit in relation to the redevelopment of Lister Heights. The disposition in the will of Junaid is clear in terms of intended trust. It is true that the word ‘trust’ does not mean an imposition of trust in law (Tito v Waddell (No 2) (1977)9 may please be referred); there is secondary option in this respect. The subject matter is certain, assuming that Junaid likewise, the subject matter of the trust is certain, always assuming that the assets are in existence. Hence, there is no difficulty to confer interest given to the indentified persons in the will accordingly. The disposition will be operational under the Trust of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 199610. Here in this case, Philip is the best friend of testator, whom Junaid had given the rights to possess the commercial property at 22 and 24 at Shipley Street to take care of the interest of his children. First, it is necessary to determine the nature of the trust affecting the two houses as this will help determine whether there is certainty of objects of the reversionary class. Please keep this in mind that the trustees have no authority to apportion the property held in trust amongst the children. However, it may divide it equally amongst the children in accordance with the disposition of will. Take the example of IRC v Broadway Cottages Trust (1955)11. The court of law focuses on the validity or invalidity of the duties as enumerated in the trust. The religion of a person does not matter in deciding the issue whether he or she be a sectarian in terms of catholic or protestant religion in his or her beliefs. The court while deciding the cases of trust will have to abide by the laws and the condition
Monday, October 28, 2019
Ethnic Group and Diversity Essay Example for Free
Ethnic Group and Diversity Essay According to information provide by ask. com â€Å"Cultural diversity has affected society many ways. It has affected everything from how we speak to the clothes we wear and the food that we eat. †â€Å"America is widely known as the melting pot of the world. This means with immigrants coming and going so rapidly over history, we have a very diverse nation. †Some of the benefits of such a diverse nation is that we can learn from each other. We are able to learn of the languages, culture, and backgrounds of others. Having such a diverse nation allows us to see that all humans are equal. According to chacha. com â€Å"Cultural diversity best illustrates the want for equality. †This diversity that we have in the United States has allowed for so many learning experiences from each other. In the schools our children are learning from each other. Without diversity children would not learn that there are different people in the world. One of the negative impacts from such diversity is prejudice. There are groups that are still teaching children and adults that not all people are equal and this is a sad and unjust way to teach someone. What will U. S, Population look like in the year 2050? â€Å"The results of the 2010 U. S. Census project that the racial and ethnic makeup of the United States will undergo dramatic changes over the next few decades. In particular, by the year 2050 there will no longer be any clear racial and ethnic majority because the most rapidly growing number of residents in our nation today are of Hispanic and Asian descent. †This according to: The Center for American Progress. Also according to The Center for American Progress: The United States is undergoing a remarkable and profound demographic shift. Today, in eight states across our union, the majority of children are children of color. This by itself is not significant, but what is worth noting is that the very communities that are growing are the ones that are experiencing significant obstacles and disparities. Sadly, this too is unsurprising. For too long we have been watching the racial and ethnic disparities in education, employment, health, and wealth widen. We know the stories well. Communities of color suffer from high dropout rates, economic insecurity, and lack of health care while wealth gaps rise to record highs between whites and communities of colorâ€â€the largest gap, in fact, since the government began publishing such data. We know so much about these challenges in part because of the comprehensive work by groups that focus on closing these gaps and in part due to the work of demographers who outline the urgency of reducing these disparities before we reach a point in American history when communities of color together make up a numerical majority. But there is a pressing need today to analyze the implications of the demographic change for local and national policy. We need to better understand how local communities are managing these changes in the face of daunting obstacles so that ultimately we can outline a positive vision of what our country could look like in 2050 if we truly work to close the gaps that exist over the next 40 years. Doing so will enable our nation to harness the full talent and drive of all our people. Progress 2050, a project of the Center for American Progress, seeks to do just that by: Working with the Center’s policy teams to create a more informed and inclusive policy agenda Exploring the implications of this demographic change for our economic, political, and cultural landscape Fostering a localized dialogue about the challenges and opportunities of diversity in communities across our country Helping craft a policy framework and narrative squarely focused on the opportunities of diversity for the future prosperity and well- being of our nation. Without open and frank discussion about the opportunities and challenges of diversity, anxieties about where our country is headed combined with the coming demographic change may generate more division and disturbing stories that counter the fundamentals of American democracy. We as a nation have been down this road before many times as wave upon wave of new immigrants, new Americans, arrived on our shoresâ€â€often to face brutal discrimination and hardship. We triumphed each time, sometimes after many decades of discrimination, enabling the latest generations of Americans to assimilate and thrive, breathing new life into our economy and our democracy. But the stakes are even higher today. Today, discrimination abounds Escalation in voter suppression tactics. Hate crimes. Anti-immigrant sentiment. And a general sense across the country that our federal, state, and local governments and social and economic institutions are failing to provide the leadership needed to move us meaningfully beyond the economic crisis of the Great Recession. Progress 2050 is uniquely positioned to counter these challenges by offering an alternative. Certainly a progressive voice is needed now. We cannot allow the conversation about the future of this country to be dominated by voices on the right who advocate a very narrow definition of the American ideal. The demographic shift is a reality we must accept and embrace. And a clear vision of where we want our country to be in 2050 and how to get there is urgently needed . Working in collaboration with progressive and civil rights organizations, Progress 2050 will help devise that path forward. If there are not changes made in policies for the poorer people and not just ethnic groups, but all poor people I feel that the United States will lose chances to make a better nation. It would be better to figure out how to advance the poorer people so that they would be an investment to our own Country. Including the people that are already citizens here that were born citizens here. I know that immigrants are offered money to begin their own businesses, why not offer that to citizens that are already here as well that can not afford the cost to start their own business. †What Challenges does the United States face due to the diversity of its people? â€Å"For all the platitudes about melting pots, mosaics, and rainbow coalitions, many regard the browning of America as a profoundly disturbing trend. Miscegenation is still regarded as culturally taboo on Main Street. As recently as 20 years ago, some states still had laws in place forbidding interracial marriage. †Scott London also said â€Å"Many people complain that miscegenation waters down their culture. Some Jews, for example, blame the disintegration of Judaism on the growing rate of interfaith marriages in America. Similarly, a number of Indian tribes are concerned that thinning bloodlines will lead to the statistical extermination of their people. A century ago, half of all Indians in the U. S. were considered full-bloods. Today the number is down to about 20 percent. On Indian reservations, there is now a suicide problem among young half-breeds who dont feel sufficiently pure. Also from an article from Scott London: â€Å"As writer Richard Rodriguez has pointed out, â€Å"we have never had an especially rich vocabulary for miscegenation. †While other cultures speak of themselves as mestizos, mulattoes, and creoles, we persist in referring to ourselves using clumsy designations like Asian-American, African-American, Native American, and even Anglo-American. Curiously, the 1990 census form had boxes for white, black and other, but not for multiracial. Bureaucrats in Washington are now preparing a form for the 2000 census. It seems that as much as the United States thinks it is ready for more diversity we as a Country are not. More still must be done to include all races and ethnic backgrounds. From the way things seem one day we may just be all one big mixed race. What are the benefits of such a diverse society? There are many benefits to having such a diverse society. Some of these include learning from each other. Learning thins such as cultural differences and the why of it. We can even learn languages from each other. In a culturally diverse nation we learn that all humans are the same with just different backgrounds. Our children then do not even realize that there ever was a place in American history where others were treated as less than human. In an article by Scott London he says â€Å"As I see it, the mingling and the mixing of race is a sign that we are evolving toward a higher, more integrated state as a culture. One indication of this is the fact that, as the French theologian Teilhard de Chardin put it, union differentiates. â€Å"The smaller the differences are between people, the more they insist on them. †â€Å"Anthropologists have long observed that as people and cultures evolve, they become more and more distinctive. They dont shed the qualities that make them unique, they refine and develop them. Diversity appears to be a function of social evolution. †â€Å"Of course, diversity doesnt mean a thing if it doesnt challenge us to be more open-minded and inclusive. All too often, what passes for diversity are merely brown, black, and white versions of the same political ideology. There will always be those who overemphasize our diversity and fail to appreciate our essential unity, just as there will always be those who overemphasize our unity and fail to recognize the virtues of diversity. Its a delicate balance. Our founding fathers captured this tension in our national motto, E Pluribus Unum  from the many, one. Its the great paradox of America: what we have in common is diversity. When the founders laid out Americas first principles two hundred years ago, they took inspiration from the Iroquois Indian Confederacy. The Indian tribes modeled this principle of unity in diversity by retaining their individuality while at the same time belonging to a common network in the name of progress and mutual protection. †America can benefit from diversity when Americans are taught that all human beings are equal. Education is the key to this perfect diversity. Yes, education of our children, but why not education of their parents as well? Parents prejudice has been passed down to. How can society foster a climate of acceptance and cultural pluralism in the United States? According to: MEDIA, CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND GLOBALIZATION: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Zayani, Mohamed, PHDView Profile. Journal of Cultural Diversity18. 2 (Summer 2011): 48-54. Fostering an environment that is tolerant of and conducive to cultural diversity is necessary for upholding democracy in an age dominated by information and communication technologies. In democratic societies, media have been central to the democratic process, giving an outlet to diverse voices and channeling diversity into a process of democratic integration or public opinion and will formation. A free debate is necessary to reach an integrative unity, and media pluralism goes a long way toward achieving such a goal (Tehranian, 1999). In much the same way freedom of expression is important to assert cultural and individual identities, access to information is important for an active participation in decision making and contribution to democratic processes. Although media plays a vital role in society fostering a climate of acceptance and cultural pluralism in the U. S. it still must begin with education. The Government will have to begin a campaign in the nation’s schools and provide education for parents as well. Parents that have been taught prejudice and to deny acceptance and cultural pluralism. Many of these parents, especially in the South, have been taught that African Americans are a lesser human race, the same for any race or culture except the white race. The prejudice has also been taught to the African American children as well. The thinking that all White people are racist and prejudice has been passed down from generation to generation of African Americans as well as white Americans. Spanish/Mexican Americans are taught the same thing and many prejudice white Americans teach this negativity about any race that is not white. These people have some where gotten the idea that the white race is superior to any other race, this can just not be ignored by the Government. It must start with our children and a campaign for them and their parents as well. Then the media could come in at this point and focus on the greatness of such teaching. In what ways does the media perpetuate stereotyping and prejudice? Provide examples to support your assertion. â€Å"The pace with which media have been changing over the past few decades is phenomenal, to say the least. The increased global connectivity along with the convergence of communication infrastructures, media content and electronic devices have dramatically changed the way we experience media and interact with it (Jenkins, 2006). More than ever before, there has been an exponential multiplication of information and communication technologies and growth in media services and modes of delivery. For Tehranian (1999), the changes in technology, the transformation of media and the globalization of communication have a strong bearing on the ability of individuals and groups to safeguard diversity. Three interrelated types of media can be identified with different implications: Macromedia of communication (which are associated with global satellite and computer networks, trans-border data flows, scientific and professional electronic mailing, and commercial advertising) support the globalization of national markets, societies and cultures, though they privilege the power centers more than the periphery; Mesomedia of communication (such as the press, print media, audio-visual media, the film industry, and news agencies) are usually under the control of national governments or commercial and pressure groups and, as such, function mostly as agents of national integration and social mobilization; and Micromedia of communication (such as the telephone, copying machines, audio and video recorders, tapes, PCs, and the Web) have primarily empowered the centrifugal forces of dissent at the peripheries of power. They provide channels for counter-hegemonic projects of cultural resistance, socio-political participation and autonomous development. The affordability and accessibility of micromedia are not without implication on world peripheries which have increasingly been focusing on modernization, indigenous development, cultural identity, and political communication formation (Tehranian, 1999). †This from MEDIA, CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND GLOBALIZATION: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIESZayani, Mohamed, PHDView Profile. Journal of Cultural Diversity18. 2 (Summer 2011): 48-54. The effect of media is neither monolithic nor uniform. Media plays a central role in fostering the effect of the culture industry; they shape our relationship with each other. Individuals have developed a taste for what media shows, we as a nation consume what media promotes, and it seems that we as a nation act with the information media reveals, we also interpret things by what the media communicate to us. In what ways does the media help foster appreciation for diversity? Provide examples to support your assertion. Fostering an environment that is tolerant of and conducive to cultural diversity is necessary for upholding democracy in an age dominated by information and communication technologies. In democratic societies, media have been central to the democratic process, giving an outlet to diverse voices and channeling diversity into a process of democratic integration or public opinion and will formation. A free debate is necessary to reach an integrative unity, and media pluralism goes a long way toward achieving such a goal (Tehranian, 1999). In much the same way freedom of expression is important to assert cultural and individual identities, access to information is important for an active participation in decision making and contribution to democratic processes. This from MEDIA, CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND GLOBALIZATION: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIESZayani, Mohamed, PHDView Profile. Journal of Cultural Diversity18. 2 (Summer 2011): 48-54. The media helps foster an appreciation for diversity when the owners, reporters, journalists, and so forth all have an agenda to do so. We also have to look at what the owners of a station, reporters, and other employees believe themselves. If they appreciate diversity themselves then they are more likely to promote diversity. For example: Take a white reporter and give him the assignment of reporting on diversity. His report is going to be based on what he believes. If he has an appreciation for diversity then he will help to foster that. But if he is prejudice and does not support the coming together of races and cultures as well as immigration, then his report is going to reflect that. The sad thing is if his report is negative he will impact many people just due to the fact that people have their favorite news and other media channels. If he supports diversity he will win over many or at least make many start thinking about their own beliefs and feelings on the matter. How might individuals and the United States work together to reduce prejudice and increase appreciation for diversity? According to Building One Nation: A Study of What is Being Done Today in Schools, Neighborhoods, and the Workplace. â€Å"Race has played a paradoxical role in American society since the founding of the country. While our racial and ethnic diversity has been a source of great strength, it has also been our central moral challenge. Our nation has made great strides in addressing prejudice and discrimination during this century. Laws that denied citizenship to people because of their race or ethnicity have been repealed. Discrimination at the ballot box and in housing, employment, education, and public facilities is illegal. Segregated lunch counters, movie theaters, water fountains, and restrooms are no longer part of the American landscape. Racial tolerance and understanding have increased manyfold. At the same time, research and everyday experience demonstrate that discrimination continues to infest American society, resulting in lost opportunities for too many individuals. †To make changes we as individuals and the United States as a Country must work together to reduce prejudice and increase appreciation for diversity. The first thing we must do is to bring these issues to light by discussion. Without these issues being discussed by individuals and the United States it will never be addressed. We must also increase intergroup contact situations. We must create intergroup panels of mixed racial and ethnic backgrounds. From these discussions the debate must be discussed in detail among the groups. Through this discussion changes must be made in institutions, schools, churches, and other group forums. If we implement these things we must implement them to each individual group at age appropriate levels. â€Å" Educational Approaches And Strategies (K-12) A school is a natural setting in which to forge enduring bonds among children from different backgrounds. Research primarily in integrated educational situations clearly demonstrates that when individuals are permitted to deal with one another across racial and ethnic lines in cooperative, equal-status activities with plenty of room for one-on-one exchanges and with support from authority figures, there is an excellent chance that positive intergroup relations will evolve. In this section we consider numerous strategies for improving the rapport among children in Kindergarten through high school, under the following headings: Curriculum Reform Training and Retraining of Teachers School Desegregation Cooperative Learning Paired Programs Conflict Resolution Youth Leadership Training in Desegregated Settings. Diversity In Higher Education Given the level of segregation in our nations communities as well as in our primary and secondary schools, many students meet across racial lines for the first time when they reach college. Colleges and universities therefore play a pivotal role in conveying an appreciation of American diversity and in breaking the cycle of intolerance. Educational Approaches And Strategies (K-12) A school is a natural setting in which to forge enduring bonds among children from different backgrounds. Research primarily in integrated educational situations clearly demonstrates that when individuals are permitted to deal with one another across racial and ethnic lines in cooperative, equal-status activities with plenty of room for one-on-one exchanges and with support from authority figures, there is an excellent chance that positive intergroup relations will evolve. In this section we consider numerous strategies for improving the rapport among children in Kindergarten through high school, under the following headings: Curriculum Reform Training and Retraining of Teachers School Desegregation Cooperative Learning Paired Programs Conflict Resolution Youth Leadership Training in Desegregated Settings. Diversity in Higher Education Given the level of segregation in our nations communities as well as in our primary and secondary schools, many students meet across racial lines for the first time when they reach college. Colleges and universities therefore play a pivotal role in conveying an appreciation of American diversity and in breaking the cycle of intolerance. †This according to: Building One Nation: A Study of What is Being Done Today in Schools, Neighborhoods, and the Workplace. We must also intergrate neighborhoods and make them more diverse. This is another area where the United States and individuals must come together to discuss and come up with plans to intergrate neighborhoods. How might a person change their own behaviors to be more inclusive and pluralistic? People can change their own attitudes by educating themselves. They can also inter-relate with diverse groups of people, different racial groups and different ethnic groups. People can start by going to their children’s school and meeting all of the classmates. Parents can encourage their children to interact with all students in their class. When parents give their children parties they can make sure that they and their children invite individuals from all races and ethnic groups. Adults can also have intergroup relations in the workplace. If a person wants to make a change the workplace would be a great place to start. Individuals could take the initiative to have conversations with individuals of different races or ethnic backgrounds. They could start inviting those of different racial and ethnic groups to have lunch with them. There are many things that individuals can do to change their own behaviors and include multi-cultural individuals into their own daily lives. The question is Are they willing to make the change? Sources and References: http://www. americanprogress. org/issues/race/report/2011/10/18/10477/progress-2050/b http://www. ask. com http://www. scottlondon. com/articles/newface. html http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/docview/884629314? accountid=35812 MEDIA, CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND GLOBALIZATION: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Zayani, Mohamed, PHDView Profile. Journal of Cultural Diversity18. 2 (Summer 2011): 48-54. http://www. civilrights. org/publications/reports/building_one_nation/.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Blacks Vs. Indians Essay -- essays research papers
Compare and Contrast Essay      There are many differences and similarities between the way that the federal government has treated Indians and blacks. Some could say that Blacks and Indians have dealt with two very similar pasts. It seems that Indians have dealt westward expansion and blacks have dealt more with blatant racism. But no matter how you look at both of races were being harassed by white English men everyday of their lives. Being persecuted for no reason at all. The military played a big part in both of the blacks and Indians fate, for good or for worse America had always used force to conquer what they did not understand.      During the later part of the 19th century Indians were considered savages. American soldiers basically wanted to put genocide on the entire race. Americans saw the Indians as worthless and not advancing in the world. In the beginning Indians inhabited the eastern side of the country that is now USA and when American landed on Plymouth rock they wanted nothing to do with them, they colonized their villages and tried to Americanize them. In 1803 the Americans purchased a huge chunk of land from Napoleon and all of the Indians had to move from the land purchased. In 1851 the Indians signed the Fort Laramie treaty which assigned tribes to it’s own defined territory which was trying to Americanize the Indians. Another example of that was in 1968 when the Indians signed a treaty and gave them...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Charles Perkins
Essay â€Å"The Tyger†by William Blake is a lyric poem that depicts the nature of the creator and his creations. The poem is more about the creator of the tyger than it is about the tyger. In contemplating the terrible ferocity and awe-inspiring symmetry of the tyger, the speaker is at a loss to explain how the same God who made the meek, innocent lamb could create a horrifying creature such as the tyger.This essay will provide a detailed analysis of William Blake’s â€Å"The Tyger†paying particular attention, firstly to the extended metaphor in stanza’s 2, 3 and 4, secondly, to the poetic significance of repetition, in particular to the phrase â€Å"fearful symmetry†, thirdly, to the role that the rhythm and metre play in creating an urgent need to address the succession of the questions and lastly, the evocation of the sublime emotion of terror in Blake’s depiction of the Tyger. Firstly, the extended metaphor in stanza’s 2, 3 and 4 , is comparing the creator and his creation of the Tyger to a blacksmith and his creations.A blacksmith that makes use of tools, such as the â€Å"Hammer,†â€Å"chain,††furnace,†and â€Å"anvil†in creating objects out of hot metal. The blacksmith represents a conventional image of artistic creation; here Blake applies it to the divine creation of the natural world. This is evident in Line 5:†In what distant deeps or skies†, refers to an otherworldly (â€Å"distant†) place, perhaps a kind of hell (â€Å"deeps†) or Heaven (â€Å"skies†). The â€Å"distant deeps or skies†bring to mind the concept of hell being underground and heaven being in the sky.Since the Tyger may have been created in either hell (deeps) â€Å"or†heaven (skies), it remains ambiguous as to whether the Tyger is good or bad. Blake was essentially an artist. His Tyger is therefore a painting in words. The tyger in this poem is rather a magical, mystical creature. This is an artist’s impression of the animal, almost an alien creature with glowing eyes and stripes. Blake does not depict good and evil as opposites but rather different aspects of the nature of God. Good and evil are different and do matter in the natural world, especially in the way that men react with God’s creation.The very first words expressed by Blake suggests that this tyger has been a â€Å"forged†creation â€Å"In the forests of the night†nevertheless describes the dark, mysterious, cloaking and hiding fiery figure of the tyger. The â€Å"forging†of the tiger suggests a very physical, painstaking, and intentional kind of making; it emphasizes the remarkable physical presence of the tiger and precludes the idea that such a creation could have been in any way accidentally or haphazardly produced. The word â€Å"forge†means to create or form is a smith term as well as another name for a smithâ€⠄¢s furnace.The smith reference also ties into all the fire imagery associated with the Tyger, and emphasizes the energy and danger in the design of the Tyger. However the third stanza depicts a parallelism of â€Å"shoulder†and â€Å"art,†that it is not just the body but also the â€Å"heart†of the tiger that is being forged. Therefore, this is not merely a physical forgery but also a psychological. Hence â€Å"In what furnace was thy brain†moreover suggests that the mind of the tyger is also shaped and twisted under this extreme heat and energy the fire in the â€Å"furnace†kindles.In the process of constructing this tyger it therefore becomes the beast that it is thus is â€Å"framed†to be; both terrifying and similarly remarkably elegant. Therefore what this tiger symbolizes is not the typical, blood thirsty predator who possesses purely animalistic characteristics. Unfortunately Blake’s â€Å"tyger†is a symbol of th e darker side of life, the overwhelming struggle of mankind against the brute force of reality. With this struggle comes growth and maturity. The lamb and tyger, although opposites, are nevertheless each synonymous with the struggle of life, from innocence to harsh experience.The tiger symbolizing nature red in tooth and claw, the tiger poses the question of the origin of evil and the nature of its creator. The perennial problem of believing in a benign Creator while viewing a malign universe has been the most agonising of all dilemmas. The tyger is seen the ultimate terror, just as the lamb is the final reassurance for the child of innocence that the universe and its Creator are benign. The rhythm throughout the poem is one of stressed followed by unstressed syllables, creating the effect of the blacksmith beating the â€Å"hammer†onto the â€Å"anvil†and thereby forging his creation out of steel.There are also references made to â€Å"fire†throughout the po em: â€Å"burning bright†, â€Å"burnt the fire†, â€Å"seize the fire†and â€Å"furnace†. These words again are images of a supreme â€Å"immortal†being that the speaker compares to a black smith. In romantic poetry poets often contrast aspects of nature with the inventions of mankind. Lastly, the evocation of the sublime emotion of terror in Blake’s depiction of the tyger is offering good instance of how Blake himself stands somewhere outside the perspectives of innocence and experience he projects.Another poem is â€Å"The Lamb†which is by William Blake is a poem like child’s song, in the form of a question and answer. The first stanza of the poem is descriptive which makes it very easy to understand, while the second focuses on abstract spiritual matters and contains explanations and analogies. The poem connects religion with both the human and natural worlds, being associated with the rugged fields and valleys as well a s livestock. The Lamb portrays three main themes: childhood (innocents), human nature and spiritual truth. The Lamb begins with a child asking a little lamb a question.One must understand the innocents of the boy when reading, because at first when reading one could think that the boy’s question is naive. Especially when the child is talking to a lamb as if could understand him. But the child who narrates this poem clearly belongs to the world of innocence. The child is excited about everything around him. Which one can peace together when one reads: Gave thee clothing of delight, Softest clothing woolly bright; Gave thee such a tender voice, Making all the vales rejoice (5-8). The boy finds joy in natural creation. It does not matter that he is talking to a lamb.The child’s question is of the Lambs origins. William Blake makes it clear about this question when the child says: â€Å"Little Lamb, who made thee / Dost thou know who made thee†(1-2). Blake leaves n o room for speculation in this poem. The question expands open the timeless questions that all human beings have about their own origins. The story of the lamb's making is probably a distant illustration to the creation of the world talked about in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. After one takes the idea of human origin into account, it takes the child’s somewhat naive question and makes it profound per say.Who made thee is a question that many have asked. The question, of course, has taken different forms and has been the subject of philosophy. Blake would answer that a creature could only exist because a creator has made them. In this poem, Blake leaves no other answer but that somebody made everything. This is a great analogy to the Jesus Christ of the New Testament. Blake agrees with the church, that the God of the universe and everything in it, and who gave one life, food, and clothing is the Lamb. Christ was called the Lamb many times in the New Testament, one example is in Revelation 5:8-13: â€Å"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain . . Blessing and honor and glory and power Be to Him who sits on the throne, And to the Lamb, forever and ever (Rev. 5:8-13). †One can now see the connection of the Lamb to Jesus Christ. The Lamb is also a prominent figure in the church, not only representing Jesus but God's human children. One should also see the correlation of the Lamb, Jesus and the child. The child also says Jesus calls himself a lamb and how he came to earth as a child. The Boy points that out to the lamb on line 17 â€Å"He became a child. †Biblically Jesus who is part of the trinity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, is sent as a part of God to be a child. In this poem as well, the Lamb becomes a child, to show purity and innocence from a child-like heart essentially the same as the innocence of Jesus. Blake makes the poem of The Lamb very descriptive and made a beautiful analogy of the lamb and Jesus Christ. Bake was able to conn ect region in a with humanity that made it very easy to understand. The Lamb is a great poem by William Blake with its themes of childhood (innocence), human nature and spiritual truth.A third poem is The Chimney Sweeper (Innocence), The speaker of this poem is a small boy who was sold into the chimney-sweeping business when his mother died. He recounts the story of a fellow chimney sweeper, Tom Dacre, who cried when his hair was shaved to prevent vermin and soot from infesting it. â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†comprises six quatrains, each following the AABB rhyme scheme, with two rhyming couplets per quatrain. The first stanza introduces the speaker, a young boy who has been forced by circumstances into the hazardous occupation of chimney sweeper.The second stanza introduces Tom Dacre, a fellow chimney sweep who acts as a foil to the speaker. Tom is upset about his lot in life, so the speaker comforts him until he falls asleep. The next three stanzas recount Tom Dacre's somewh at apocalyptic dream of the chimney sweepers’ â€Å"heaven. †However, the final stanza finds Tom waking up the following morning, with him and the speaker still trapped in their dangerous line of work. There is a hint of criticism here in Tom Dacre's dream and in the boys' subsequent actions, however.Blake decries the use of promised future happiness as a way of subduing the oppressed. The boys carry on with their terrible, probably fatal work because of their hope in a future where their circumstances will be set right. This same promise was often used by those in power to maintain the status quo so that workers and the weak would not unite to stand against the inhuman conditions forced upon them. As becomes more clear in Blake's Songs of Experience, the poet had little patience with palliative measures that did nothing to alter the present suffering of impoverished families.What on the surface appears to be a condescending moral to lazy boys is in fact a sharp criti cism of a culture that would perpetuate the inhuman conditions of chimney sweeping on children. Tom Dacre (whose name may derive from â€Å"Tom Dark,†reflecting the sooty countenance of most chimney sweeps) is comforted by the promise of a future outside the â€Å"coffin†that is his life’s lot. Clearly, his present state is terrible and only made bearable by the two-edged hope of a happy afterlife following a quick death.Blake here critiques not just the deplorable conditions of the children sold into chimney sweeping, but also the society, and particularly its religious aspect, that would offer these children palliatives rather than aid. That the speaker and Tom Dacre get up from the vision to head back into their dangerous drudgery suggests that these children cannot help themselves, so it is left to responsible, sensitive adults to do something for them. The last poem is Chimney sweeper (Experience), When compared structurally to the companion piece from So ngs of Innocence, it is obvious that this poem is half as long as its counterpart is.In addition, many lines are much shorter by one or two syllables. The voice of the young chimney sweeper is similar to that of Innocence, but he clearly has little time for the questions put to him (hence the shorter lines). This poem starts with the AABB rhyme scheme characteristic of innocence and childhood, but as it delves deeper into the experience of the Chimney Sweeper, it switches to CDCD EFEF for the last two stanzas. The final stanza, in fact, has only a near rhyme between â€Å"injury†(line 10) and â€Å"misery†(line 12), suggesting an increasing breakdown in the chimney sweeper's world, or the social order in general.The entire system, God included, colludes to build its own vision of paradise upon the labors of children who are unlikely to live to see adulthood. Blake castigates the government (the â€Å"King†) and religious leaders (God’s â€Å"Priestâ₠¬ ) in similar fashion to his two â€Å"Holy Thursday†poems, decrying the use of otherwise innocent children to prop up the moral consciences of adults both rich and poor. The use of the phrase â€Å"make up a Heaven†carries the double meaning of creating a Heaven and lying about the existence of Heaven, casting even more disparagement in the direction of the Priest and King.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reflection on my experience in the OB team Essay
Organizational behavior is concern with the study of the behavior of the people with in an organizational setting. It helps to understand predict and to control human behavior. In a working environment, we meet people with different ideas and characters. Therefore it is essential to understand how to cooperate with individual personalities to develop team working skills in different environments. Organizational behavior analyzes how people behave as individuals and as members of a group. With regard to the module Organizational Behavior, our module tutor divided our entire class into various groups of five and I found myself entitled with four other tremendously enthusiastic classmates of mine, namely Gayani, Jayan, Tharuka and Maheshi who I was very eager to work with. Our challenge was to imagine ourselves as external consultants and analyze the issues about a large planning consultancy named as Alpha Planning. The requirements were to relate the issues to specific organizational behavioral theories that we have discussed in class and as a group, we had to recommend solutions for the relevant issues as to how they could improve further in order to succeed. This reflective essay analyzes the individual basis theoretical areas covered by the module and integrates with my experience on team working with regard to the group course work. I have chosen to elaborate on the way Motivation interacts with Team Working. Team work is the key to a successful organization or a project. The notion of united we stand and divided we fall applies very well. Today there are many organizations employing hundreds of thousands of people all working together to build and keep the brand of companies. Having a team may be one issue and building cohesion within a team is another. It is not always easy to achieve unity but can be diligently sought through various levels of motivation. Motivation is stimulation or triggering of behavior and directing to achieve certain end goals. Many sociologists and psychologists have studied motivation and developed certain theories to explain the concept of motivation. F. Herzberg was famous for his two factor theory while Abraham Maslow developed the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Different people are stimulated differently and will need a different trigger for action. In other words, there is no dearth of opportunities to learn on how to motivate a team. Individual differences and perceptions are common in team work as there will be people from all walks of life. Each of them comes from different backgrounds so they will have various characters, personalities, abilities, attitudes, perceptions and experiences. Therefore as a team, it is the responsibility of the team members to make sure that these personalities do not clash, but push other team members to forget about their differences and achieve their goal. The first and foremost question that appeared in my mind when I was asked to participate on a team to complete the course work was that, ‘why should I be a part of a team?’ Immediately the decision-making process began as follows. What is the purpose of the team? Is it a topic that interests me? Who will be on the team with me? What kind of authority will I have? What is the reward for participating? and What is the risk for not participating? These were the typical questions which related to my motivation to participate in the team. There are times when individuals are not given the opportunity to refuse participation on a team. For example, as in this scenario when it is a group course work for the partial fulfillment of a particular module, by default, I was a part of the team. The purpose of this team was the successfully completion of the module course work. The question, ‘who will be on the team with me’ didn’t create much of a concern as I had the opportunity to work with all of my team members a few times earlier. As soon as we were divided into group, we decided to appoint Maheshi as the Group Leader as we felt she was the best person to be in-charge of the team and decided to work under her guidance. We all realized that the reward for participating in the team is the successfully completion of the module course work and risk for not participating is the failure of the module course work. Therefore, I determined to contribute to the course work at my level best and assist my fellow team members in every way I can. Team motivation can rise or fall depending on a myriad of factors. For long-term motivation, there must be a purpose or mission that the team members find aligns with their personal wants and needs. Our purpose was to complete the course work successfully and all of us had one single motive in our mind with regard to the course work. That was to achieve an overall good grade for the Organizational Behavior module. A team member can be asked to participate on a temporary task force. If the mission is clear, he or she might be able to sustain motivation for the duration if he or she feels it is important. However, if it is a topic that is not in line with their needs, their motivation may to continue diminish. This didn’t create much of a concern as all of had the chance to clarify our doubts about our mission from the first group meeting. Throughout my life, I have heard many people say that their most rewarding team experiences resulted from some sort of challenge. When presented with a challenge, our defenses are alerted to move us to action or to run away from danger or address it directly. The challenge itself was the motivator. An additional criterion for a challenge is the level of difficulty. If a challenge is too difficult, perhaps perceived as impossible, then team members may give up before they start. However, the same result may occur if the members perceive the challenge as too easy. Little energy is required to accomplish something so easily obtained. Our course work was indeed a challenge, but it is safer to state that it was achievable as we were provided the theoretical knowledge throughout the whole semester during the module lectures. Yet it wasn’t a bed of roses as we had to do quite a lot of research to apply our theoretical knowledge on a practical working environment. We had to face some difficulties as not only we were informed to identify the organizational issues of the case study, but also to suggest recommendations and methods of implementations. Accordingly for our team, periodic stimulation in the form of a worthy challenge was another factor to maintain the team motivation. In general, people and teams are stimulated by being given responsibility. Having ownership of an identifiable block of work is a long-held principle of motivation in groups. However, responsibility can be tricky. It is important to understand that the responsibility comes along with authority to make the necessary changes. Teams that have both the responsibility and authority tend to maintain motivation over longer periods of time. Responsibility can be demotivating if the consequences of error or failure are too great. The short-term performance may be good, but long-term motivation will suffer. It is difficult to sustain high performance when energy is being sapped by fear. We initialized the course work by reading the case study as a group. The discussion was informal and friendly and everyone had an idea to contribute and did not hold back thoughts as plenty of suggestions were being thrown. At the end of the discussion we came up with a list of possible issues and each of us were given two Organizational Behavior topics to research on, where we had to focus on finding theories, recommendations and implementations that we could relate to the issues. Therefore according to the task allocation which was conducted by our team leader, the responsibility was divided among the team fairly and each and every one of us was responsible for the total outcome of the course work. Another factor that motivates successful teams is camaraderie, meaning comradeship, fellowship, and loyalty. It’s a lot easier to perform as a team when the team members have a good relationship with each other. The outcome of this kind of relationship building is open and direct communication, frequent praising of each others’ contributions, and mutual support. Much of the time we like or dislike someone, it relates more towards how well we understand them. And since our formal training has not addressed this, most of us enter adulthood ill-equipped to deal with the myriad of personalities, temperaments, cultures, values, beliefs, ideologies, religions, and eccentric behaviors of those we meet. One way to break down these barriers is to expand our understanding on our own species. During the course work, the most important fact which I was able to realize was that the team members in our team as individuals had different talents and capabilities. Some of us were good in understanding the theoretical aspects when the others had a hard time understanding the theory and some of us had a wider knowledge in dealing with practical situations and were able to help others. Therefore we were able to use these various capabilities for different types of tasks. Each of us completed separate parts of the course work and this assisted us a great deal to finish the entire course work before the deadline. During the brainstorming session, I was able to help my team mates who were unable to grasp the organizational theories by explaining the case study thoroughly in much simpler terms. This act led towards building camaraderie within the team. At the beginning, there were issues with regard to the fact that our team leader tended to take the entire burden and some of the team members weren’t aware of the work that has been done. However, after the submission of the Report Plan we were able to solve that issue by communicating directly with the Team Leader and expressing our ideas to her. Thereafter, there were no conflicts with regard to dissatisfaction in members’ work and there was no depression or tension even at the last minute. Therefore we all were motivated to work as a team and were able to finish the relevant tasks much easily. Personal and team growth can provide another basis for sustained team motivation. When people feel they are moving forward, learning new concepts, adding to their skill base, and stretching their minds, motivation tends to remain high. Personal growth adds value to the individual, enhancing self-esteem and self-worth. Accordingly, team members and team leaders should look for opportunities that help add knowledge and skills. Enrolling in the module, Organizational Behavior has enabled me to understand and analyze the way people interact within the organizations both now and in the future. As a second year student, I will be able to gain the exposure of a real working environment during my placement year. Therefore acquiring some of the career management and higher education skills through team working is essential for my career development. This was indeed a motivational factor for me to engage in this course work and provide my level best contribution to the team. As my team mates had the same motive, it was a motivational factor for the entire team. Being a part of this team made me realize that there are both the visible and invisible benefits of a highly motivated team. Highly motivated team members look forward in completing the tasks successfully, actively and consciously contribute to the team, get more done and have more ideas, focus their energy on the positives rather than the negatives and reinforce the team culture. Creating and sustaining motivation requires open communication, honesty and respect. Essentially, motivation is about bonding with the fellow team mates. If we make an effort to know them, listening to them and valuing them for their particular contributions and potential, they are more likely to work with us in meeting the challenges. In conclusion, I would like to state that in a team, whose members are aligned with its purpose, feel a challenge in their task, have a strong sense of camaraderie, feel responsibility for the outcome, and experience growth as a team and in their personal lives, will tend to sustain motivation over the long haul. This is not to say that the team will not have difficulties at times, or the members’ needs won’t change over time. In these cases, sometimes changes will have to be made. But, as much as it is possible to sustain motivation indefinitely the factors which I mentioned above will tend to create the best possible environment for it. In fact I would like to state that those factors helped us as a team to be motivated in reaching our goal and as well as to develop our team working skills. The knowledge gained and skills that I have enhanced through successful interaction among team members will undoubtedly be useful in future. It has built up my confidence and ability to voice my concerns and opinions within a group as required. In addition this would enhance my leadership skills in terms of the ability to understand individual experiences and factors influencing motivation which could be effectively made use of in project management.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Why Should I Major In Computer Science And Engineer Essays
Why Should I Major In Computer Science And Engineer Essays Why Should I Major In Computer Science And Engineer Essay Why Should I Major In Computer Science And Engineer Essay Did you decide what you should major in? Is it suitable for you? Many students ask themselves what is the best major that will prepare them to the future career. For me, I chose to major in Computer Science Engineer for that reason I have done a research about my major to help me modernize my general background about Computer Science Engineer. In addition, I have done a personal Interview with Adel M. AlAni, B. S. in Computer Engineer Technology who graduate in 1990s. Also, I took advantage of secondary resources from SMC online Library. Furthermore, after collecting all these informations about my major and review it, Am I ready for Computer Science Engineer major? To be sure, I have to consider related major differences, advantages and disadvantages, and growth marketing of Computer Science Engineer. First, what is Computer Science Engineer? It can be define as Electrical Engineering and Computer Science combined together to develop software and hardware Solutions. In my interview, I asked Eng. AlAni to explain the differences between Computer Engineering and Computer Science, he answered me Computer Engineers builds hardware while Computer Scientist mostly does not. However, majoring in Computer Science Engineer it will give you full control of Computer solutions because it combined the hardware and software developing. (l) Moreover, every time earning new information about Computer Science Engineer major get me step closer to make decision about it. Second, every major have advantages and disadvantages it is always helpful to know he features and perks that you could benefit from your major. According to my research and Interview that I did, one of the advantages of being Computer Science Engineer is getting a high income rate depending on the skills and experience. Also, it can be interesting Job by building software that can be used every day in the world. In addition, learning new skills constantly being in Computer Engineering filed always require updating. On the other hand, the disadvantages on Computer filed are few, ometimes it could be frustrating, no room for mistake due a high level of code programming. Thus, Computer Science Engineer seems very interesting major that could get me in a future career. Last but not least, Career growth, every career has growth marketing that it could increase or decrease depending on the demand. In the newspaper Los Angeles Times Orange County Briefly; UCI Boosts Computer Science, Engineering Enrollment supposing enormous growing of freshmen enrollment by 61% more than last year. Moreover, Patrice shares that Michael Pazzani chairman of the Computer Science department stated that, school is adding more new lab buildings to fulfilled the accommodate growth and help to fill the demand. Computer marketing grows fast each year thus; it makes computer Engineers graduate always getting opportunities for Job positions. As a result, after reviewing all the informations and the research that I have done, now I can be prepared for Computer Science Engineer major. Therefore, in order to make a wise major decision, its always good to do a research bout it. Knows what are the alternatives, benefits, weaknesses and the progress marketing of the major. Moreover, it tells if you are suitable for it or not. As a result, my research helped me a lot to take a wise decision. In addition, it gave me the opportunities to collect helpful informations that it could help in major in future. Sources: Adel M. AlAni, personal, 27th, sep 2013 Patice, Apodaca Orange County Briefly; UCI Boosts Computer Science, Engineering Enrollment Los Angeles Times [Los Angeles, California] 21 May 1998:8. Resource center web. 25th sep. 2013
Monday, October 21, 2019
Essay Sample on the History of Indian Trade Diverse Sources
Essay Sample on the History of Indian Trade Diverse Sources India, as a country with immense resources available through it’s length and breadth, has enabled it to gain a foothold in the major and the not so major economies of the world. The objective of this brief paper is to highlight the immense and diverse sources of Indian trade with all the major regions and countries of the globe spanning right from the Americas, the UK and other European Union countries to the Middle Eastern nations to China as well as to the South East Asian tiger economies. During the time India gained Independence from the Britishers in 1947, the economy was entirely geared to only trade and there was hardly any manufacturing facilities at all to provide for the colossal Indian population. Hence, it has now taken all of the 60 years of toil and industry to create manufacturing capacities across the board to manufacture everything from satellites to hairpins. Needless to say, even the infrastructure has had to be created though a lot yet needs to be done in terms of airports, shipping ports, roads, etc.. The government has now rightly been focusing on the same to enable broadbasing the development to move the economy from an underdeveloped status to being a developed nation. India is now already a $1 trillion economy. India has given to the world Darjeeling tea, Indian khadi cotton, Bombay Duck, Kashmiri carpets, Indian spices and dry fruit and the varied cuisines right from the mountains of Kashmir in the north to Gods own country of Kerala in the south of India. London itself has approx. 7000 restaurants serving the various Indian exotic cuisines. Chicken curry is now almost considered a part of British cuisine. Any major financial or tourist destination across the globe has to, perforce, have some Indian cuisine available. Also, as economic levels have improved in the urban and semi-urban areas, there has also been increased penetration of literacy leading to higher consumption patterns for all kinds of goods across all sections of the society. This has led to more awareness of the availability of goods from all parts of the world and this has resulted in more trade with other countries. This has resulted in surpluses being generated in some goods whereas other goods are being imported to satisfy the needs of the population. Overall Indian trade has benefited and so has the world. At the end of the day, it is all about maximizing use of one’s resources. This is a sample Business essay written from scratch by one of our academic writers. If you want to order a custom essay, term paper, research paper, thesis/dissertation or other written assignment on any topic contact our company to get professional academic writing help.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Italian Proverbs Starting With the Letter A
Italian Proverbs Starting With the Letter A A A buon intenditor poche parole.English translation: Few words to the good listener.Idiomatic meaning: A word to the wise is sufficient. A caval donato non si guarda in bocca.English translation: Dont look a gift horse in the mouth. A chi dai il dito si prende anche il braccio.English translation: Give them a finger and theyll take the arm.Idiomatic meaning: Give them an inch and theyll take a mile. A ciascuno il suo.English translation: To each his own. A confessore, medico e avvocato non tener il ver celato.English translation: To confessor, doctor, and lawyer do not hide the truth. A mali estremi, estremi rimedi.English translation: Desperate times call for desperate measures. A nemico che fugge, ponti doro.English translation: For the enemy who escapes, golden bridges. A ogni uccello il suo nido à ¨ bello.English translation: To every bird, his own nest is beautiful.Idiomatic meaning: Theres no place like home. A rubar poco si va in galera, a rubar tanto si fa cariera.English translation: Steal a little, go to jail; steal a lot, make a career of it. A tutto cà ¨ rimedio, fuorchà ¨ alla morte.English translation: There is a cure for everything except death. Acqua cheta rovina i ponti.English translation: Silent waters run deep. Acqua passata non macina pià ¹.English translation: Thats water under the bridge. Aiutati che Dio taiuta.English translation: Help youself and God will help you.Idiomatic meaning: God helps those who help themselves. Al bisogno si conosce lamico.English translation: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Al contadino non far sapere quanto à ¨ buono il formaggio con le pere.English translation: Dont let the farmer know how good cheese is with pears. Ama il prossimo tuo come te stesso.English translation: Love thy neighbor as thyself. Ambasciator non porta pena.English translation: Dont shoot the messenger. Amico di tutti e di nessuno à ¨ tuttuno.English translation: A friend to all and a friend to none is one and the same. Avere le mani in pasta.English translation: To have a finger in the pie. Introduction to Italian Proverbs
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Financial services accessibility Research Proposal
Financial services accessibility - Research Proposal Example This paper shall mostly be a discussion of the relationship between people and finance, in terms of governments’ failures in managing the country’s wealth. In general, this essay shall be founded on the assumption that access to financial services is a development opportunity to many people when the government is unable or does not provide support to communities. This essay shall discuss the current situation in terms of financial services accessibility, the impact of government failures, and solutions to improving accessibility and development opportunity. Aims: What exactly do you want to achieve? Why? For this dissertation, I want to make an informative determination of the government and the roles it plays in the management of financial services for the people. Specifically, it seeks to: Determine the role of the government in financial services Regulatory and legislative impact of its actions The impact of regulation on the growth and development of the country in general Hypothesis: A testable claim or tentative solution to the research puzzle This study hypothesizes that the government has a significant role in the financial services of the people through its regulations as well as legislative acts. The government also has a significant role in the growth and development of these financial services and eventually, the access and progress of the citizens availing of these financial services. Research questions: questions whose answers will help you prove or falsify your hypothesis. These are the key issues you would investigate during your PhD. This study seeks to determine whether or not the government has a significant impact on the following: Financial services accessibility Financial services regulation Growth and development stemming from these financial services. Theoretical framework: A statement and justification of the conceptual tool that you will use to analyse your evidence. The theoretical framework referring to the governmentâ €™s impact on the financial markets indicates that government actions within the financial system include regulation, intervention and personal business needs. Securing sufficient regulations includes the process of aligning the different political processes, managing the economy alongside the basic roles of a financial intermediary within a monetary economic system. Standard and exceptional intervention can be evaluated via standard and active monetary regulation policy processes used to impact on specific macroeconomic parameters including inflation, exchange, as well as interest rates via exceptional and specific interventions. Government financing requisites can be numerically evaluated via international stock exchanges. The financial system is also an industry, one which is more important especially as money is the foundation or basis for the financial operations. In effect, financial markets and services must function well in order for industries to operate well and the go vernment is tasked with ensuring that the financial systems and markets are functioning well Sources/Resources required: What evidence or data do you need to find? Evidence or data needed would mostly be discussions from various authors on their analysis of financial services and how the government impacts on these services. Evidence would come
Advancement of Policies for Gender Equality Essay
Advancement of Policies for Gender Equality - Essay Example These are for example forums such as the famous Beijing meeting, which surprisingly took the world by surprise and which saw the creation of awareness through the setting of several policies and objectives through their mission statement. Such objectives included and not limited to empowerment of women, principle that terms women’s and female children’s rights as inalienable, etc. in general, advancement of policies for gender equality entails taking actions to promote equitable distribution of resources and wealth across both genders such that there is growth and development in the economy (Lorber, 2005). The goals of these policies enhance several goals, which can be classified basically into three categories. These include focus areas such as; capabilities, resources, opportunities and services as well as human security. Under capabilities, education for both genders especially women is advocated for so as to ensure that they attain the necessary qualifications to en able them compete effectively with their men counterparts in all fields. This is necessitated by the fact that most of the societies used to view women as property such that instead of advocating for them to go to school, they were made to get married at a fairly tender age. Under resources and opportunities, women are given a fair chance to participate in decision making thereby enabling them to acquire leadership skills. This means that they can no longer be viewed as inferior to men in this context but as equal partners in development activities.
Friday, October 18, 2019
UK Paramedics and Pre-hospital Intubation Essay
UK Paramedics and Pre-hospital Intubation - Essay Example Even though intubation has been widely used by paramedics when responding to emergency cases, the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC) has recently recommended the idea that intubation should no longer be considered the ‘gold standard’ for airway management since the benefits of using intubation were questioned based on several evidence-based practice (Joint Recommendation from AETAG/JRCALC Airway Group, 2008) aside from the lack of professional competency on the part of paramedics to perform the actual tracheal intubation during emergency cases given the fact that very few patients would require the need for intubation each year (Blacke, 2007). Instead of using the traditional intubation procedure, UK paramedics are encouraged to use the supraglottic airway devices (SADs). enable the readers to fully understand the subject matter. Aiming to determine the disadvantages of using tracheal intubation method, peer-reviewed and clinical evidences will be gathered to examine the health and socio-economic consequences of using the traditional intubation airway technique. Upon going through the discussion, the life-saving advantages and disadvantages of both ventilation techniques will be compared and contrast. Eventually, the impact of JRCALC’s recommendation over the role of UK paramedics in terms of professional issues, autonomous practice and morale will be thoroughly discussed. As part of the conclusion, the possible impact of the recommendation made by JRCALC will be critically analyzed based on the evidences gathered in the study. Bag-valve-mask device – â€Å"an airway device that has a manually compressible bag that contains oxygen aside from a one-way valve and mask that fits over the mouth and nose of the patient†(, 2002). Laryngospasm – â€Å"the sudden acute spasm of the vocal cords and the epiglottis which could result to
Faculty engagement, successful student learning and social integration Dissertation
Faculty engagement, successful student learning and social integration - Dissertation Example According to Umbach and Wawrzynski (n.d., p. 21), teachers play the single most important role in the tendency of students to learn. New materials of teaching and learning have emerged as a result of the revolution in communication technologies. Consequently, the teaching and learning environment has been altogether renewed in a way that was not possible to achieve in the past. The fundamental challenge for the contemporary schools and colleges is to modify its environment so that new technologies can be accommodated and promoted at their best. Faculty engagement is one of the most critical elements in the modern pedagogy and learning that is influenced by technology. Different teachers join this profession because of different motivational structures that vary according to the tasks they are assigned (Blackburn, 1995). â€Å"Few institutions other than colleges and universities permit their members the latitude so much a past of the professor’s life†(Cahn, 1986, p. 3) . This latitude has been accommodated by the tradition-bound academy nature while the gradual change that has occurred in nearly every aspect of the campus life makes this latitude a tolerable piece of the landscape of academia. In a global democracy, higher education must give serious thought to structuring student learning and development in such a way to promote cross-cultural understanding and civic-mindedness. In strong democracies, people have to be able to listen to each other, to understand the places and interests of others in the community, and to achieve compromises and solve problems when conflicts occur. (Hurd, 2006, p. 4). Problem statement: Institutions require an enabling environment in order to change for good. Enabling environments constitute several factors that include but are not limited to reliable networks, universal access for students, increased opportunities with respect to consulting and training as well as a faculty ethos that tolerates falters and values experimentation. Learning spaces can both constrain and encourage students’ attitudes. A whole range of learning attitudes is displayed by the teachers and students particularly when the learning environment is developed with a view to optimize the interaction between the two both outside and within the classroom or when the atmosphere presents education as a â€Å"serious work†to the students and teachers (Hunley and Schaller, 2009). Lack of such preconditions makes the entrepreneurial activity for the self-starters quite cumbersome. Even the existence of such preconditions does not do much to ease the process of transformation. The first-wave of entrepreneurs mark the initial phase of transformation. These adopters tend to find adequate expertise or resources in order to implement their personal strategies for the incorporation of technology as a means of learning. The second wave that indeed concerns us the most is the perception of faculty of the new environment of learning as an opportunity rather than a threat. These teachers are generally wary of the advanced technology but are strongly committed to a high quality of learning. This divides the faculty into two groups, each of which is highly committed to quality learning but differ in their tendency to embrace the new technologies as well as their technical capabilities. Administrators make a big mistake by basing their
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Writing Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Writing Experience - Essay Example The essay "Writing Experience" presents the story about the writing experience. The author tells that he started developing the art and zeal of creative writing at the tender age in elementary school. He could learn and practice writing using anything that could draw or make simple lines.I could sit at my desk in school and trace out simple letters on gray papers that afterward smudged when I engaged eraser harshly on the paper. My conscious was vivid; I wanted to emerge the best creative writer in Kindergarten class. I believed in creative writing. It had taken control of my thinking, and I remained at its mercy.My desire to excel in creative writing grew in me throughout the years in school. I developed the zeal to write better-compared to authors in the vast number of books, which I read. I had become jealous of other creative writers. Each day, I could write many times and compare my work with other notable authors. I was so passionate about writing better than the existing liter ary scholars that my mother had to intervene. Mother informed me that if I could engage my soul in writing, I would be the most famous literary writer than authors of the books that I read. Henceforth, I believed in the company of my soul in writing an appealing and understandable literature. I trusted in my mother’s words and later came to the realization that human mind has the power of letting words flow naturally during writing. I also learned that I would have the most interesting and convincing voice in my literary works.
MIles Davis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
MIles Davis - Essay Example Through his fight, he brought a wide range of stylistic innovations into jazz and becoming a very influential musician of the twentieth century and an iconic symbol in jazz music. Miles Davis was born in 1926 in Alton, Illinois, and from his very childhood he experienced prejudices and oppression, which then had a significant influence on both his personality and music. He got his first musical instrument from his uncle and received lessons from friends of his father. The latter was pro-African American activist, was actively involved in politics and, perhaps even unintentionally, instilled the sense of fight for equality into his children. When Davis’ family moved to a white community, the boy experienced hatred, violence and inequality not only in the streets but at school as well (Miles). In his autobiography, Miles, the musician mentions taking part in numerous musical competitions held at school and losing them to white peers. Such inequality had an important influence on Miles future career because, as he states in his book, â€Å"if I hadn’t met that prejudice I probably wouldn’t have has as much drive in my work†(12). 1944 was the year when Miles Davis emerged on the scene in New York for the first time. It was the time when revolution in jazz music was on its way. Davis participated in that revolution against racial injustice and commercialism in music; he was not a leader in it though. He spent that period of his career under the watchful eye of Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonious Monk, and Charlie Parker, who influenced his bebop style as he learned it by playing alongside with them. Davis worked with the Parker quintet, and that very period in his life appeared to be remarkable for his style as he perfected his performance and worked up his personal approach to play difficult rhythms and melodic lines (Miles). This period of his career can be called the romantic
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Writing Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Writing Experience - Essay Example The essay "Writing Experience" presents the story about the writing experience. The author tells that he started developing the art and zeal of creative writing at the tender age in elementary school. He could learn and practice writing using anything that could draw or make simple lines.I could sit at my desk in school and trace out simple letters on gray papers that afterward smudged when I engaged eraser harshly on the paper. My conscious was vivid; I wanted to emerge the best creative writer in Kindergarten class. I believed in creative writing. It had taken control of my thinking, and I remained at its mercy.My desire to excel in creative writing grew in me throughout the years in school. I developed the zeal to write better-compared to authors in the vast number of books, which I read. I had become jealous of other creative writers. Each day, I could write many times and compare my work with other notable authors. I was so passionate about writing better than the existing liter ary scholars that my mother had to intervene. Mother informed me that if I could engage my soul in writing, I would be the most famous literary writer than authors of the books that I read. Henceforth, I believed in the company of my soul in writing an appealing and understandable literature. I trusted in my mother’s words and later came to the realization that human mind has the power of letting words flow naturally during writing. I also learned that I would have the most interesting and convincing voice in my literary works.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Community of Subcultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Community of Subcultures - Essay Example Another factor that takes part in creation of a youth subculture includes the gender of the person. Notable is the fact that a given clique of members of this group will relate to each other according to the unwritten but acceptable ways that this clique adopts. The clique is often formed from a geographical stand point meaning that the system of agreement adopted by one part of the populace defined by a given geographical area will necessarily differ with another from a different geographical area. I will undertake to discuss the youth subculture as it found early in the American culture. The youth subculture can itself be defined as the way of life found among the youth and its distinctiveness is drawn from their social or ethnic affiliations that revolve around style, fashion, or affiliation to a given music genre. This kind of a subculture is generational with its membership being constantly renewed as the members outgrow the culture while others join the subculture at the adolescent age (Yinger 1999p54). The youth subculture in America is believed to have had its roots in the 1920's where a new generation of young women known as the flappers emerged. This group of young women believed in liberalism and acted in ways that implied their liberty. They could smoke, drink, use group specific slang, bob their hair, put on short skirts, perceive sex casually and drove automobiles among other things that were considered liberal to do as at that time. Many historical theorists like Marcel Danesi and Steven Mintz believe in the beginnings of the youth subculture in America to be the 1950's. They believe that children were immediately offered adult duties as soon as their ages matched the adult appropriate ages set prior to the above mentioned date. The media, they believe, played the greatest role in the creation of the youth group through frequently engaging youthful individuals in advertisements. The youths therefore organized themselves around the youthful age group and adopted a characteristic way of living that was specific to them. This trend continued to the subsequent generations. The youth subculture in America has a number of subcultures within it that deviate to some degree from the mainstream youth subculture(Lieske 2003pp34-36). The youth subculture in America had a distinct identifying factor. The age bracket within which members of this group are found ranges from adolescence to early adulthood giving a considerable overlap into these margins. This group of persons deems itself to be the epitome of style and knowledge. It is often made up of vivacious individuals who occupy almost entirely all spheres of America's living where they show case their talents through engagement into various activities including academics and the career world. In terms of dressing, this group of young people is trendy preferring to dress in the fashionable attires that flock the market. They are keen to watch the fashion market to ensure that the latest trends in clothing do not escape their attention meaning that their dress codes change as frequently as the market preferences do. The denim jeans clothing for example have been popular with the American youths since the 1990's with the creation of various stylish designs for pieces of clothing. Their hair do is also often stylish and changes as frequently as
Monday, October 14, 2019
Impact of Technology Essay Example for Free
Impact of Technology Essay The unprecedented advancement in materialistic technology is setting consistently a wall of high mental affluence-which is inhibiting the parameters to show up in road to development.The rapid advancement in technology is directly proportional to the proliferating population of our very planet.People taking assistance of modern technology is significantly increasing at the moment.Now,we have already entered the era where electricity is indispensible.To live a normal life in modern days,the fuel-electricity and the machine-technology should be present simultaneously daily. Core reasons behind prioritizing modern education are too obvious to belabor-when it comes to development of a nation.Education is the ultimate wall of a nation building heavenward.The use of different technology in schools is now on the brink of becoming a fundamental necessity when starting a school anywhere.The vitality of technology in education is becoming more vivid in society contributing to the technology enterprises that are minting colossal deal of money through education.The new millennium has provided the medium where the technology and education have intersected and synthesized the now popular â€Å"modern education†. The technology giants of the world are enlarging their establishments here in India knowing the fact that India holds the supremacy in the field of future of technology.Moreover,according to a recent article in Forbes India,it has stated that one third of Indian population is under the tender age of 14.We might wonder now,how much pressure do the inquisitive young minds are exerting on education that is still limited to only a certain part of the population.The government is trying to reach as much of population possible but there are still millions of children who aren’t able to avail the facility of schools and proper education.The central government allocated about 42,036crores for both schools and higher education sectors in the year 2010 which grew to 52,057crores last year according to Wikipedia. Pro-education culture is grasping the minds of people everywhere in such a significant fashion due to development.But The World Bank in 2o11 stated that,32.7% of Indian populati on still falls below the global poverty line that is 1.25 dollars income per day.what about them? The enormous sum of money spent in education still is scanty due to the large population of mother India.As per the CBSE,India still has a shortfall of about 200,000 schools.So,we can analyze that,due to the scanty economic capital,the no. of schools dramatically lag the actual demand.Not only economy is affecting the status quo of education but also the number of human resources who are educating the young citizens. Now talking about the existing schools,all of them are doing a marvelous job in imparting knowledge in young minds but I think that there are still many limitations of the classroom education.Architectural infrastructure of classrooms isn’t a big deal but what really matters is the education provided in classrooms.The biggest drawback of the classroom education is that,the students involved in learning are only exposed to the knowledge and ideas of limited faculty wh ereas in world,there are millions of brilliant minds.Second drawback is that,so as to set up a basic school,materialistic facility and human resource are must-present fundamental requirements.This makes education unavailable in rural areas spread across the vast geographical diversity in nation such as India. Now,what is the best way to tackle the problems hovering the present,regarding education?I strongly feel that internet is the ultimate medium through which education should be made possible so as to reach far and beyond.Internet is a bottomless reservoir of information and this invention of mankind has made the physical barriers and distances so small.What is most extraordinary about the internetIt is constantly updated within short span of time.This leads to exposure of our mind to the latest information on topics of our own interest.As internet effortlessly seems to make our information obsolete every now and then,we also can access the information on web without difficulties. The telecommunication technology is rising everywhere.In India,according to Joshua Kim’s recent article featured in Forbes India,he has said that there are over 850million mobile subscribers in India and the number of subscribers is growing at the amazing rate of 10 million per month.From the particula r growth in mobile phone users,we can naturally scrutinize the future of internet accessibility.The increase in mobile phones naturally accelerates the growth of telecommunication technology.As the mobile phones will be easily available,there surely will be a time where the internet connection will be among the default features of the phones.As the access to internet will get better and easier in times to come,they would become an indispensible part of our future lives. Using internet,we can connect with the world without difficulties.The effects of telecommunication technology on education system are best to be said limitless.Till now,collaboration of different universities from different parts of the world hasn’t been a widespread approach for sharing knowledge.This was due to the fact of great physical distances and also due to being unaware about each other’s existence. Collaboration is the only way to complete each other’s deficiency and make education whol esome. Bringing Harvard,MIT and all other top universities to India is only through internet.If not internationally,collaboration can be done within our nation itself.If we try to amass all the knowledge of the contemporary human resources and make it digitally available,then surely,we can check the lack of human resources at a large extend.A live lecture on diseases in Delhi broadcasted in seven rural towns in Maharashtra†¦imagine the benefits! Now the prob
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Anna Sampson Mr. Sharbatz Sophomore English B 3 March 2014 Friendship What is true friendship? â€Å"It is putting someone else first. It is being strictly honest, loyal, and chaste in every action. Perhaps it is the word commitment that unlocks the real meaning of friendship.†(Dalton). That is the essence of a true friend, someone that is always there for you. Though friendship is not easy, it can fall apart a lot easier. Good friendships can be affected from betrayal, distance, and differences in class. Betrayal some may say is â€Å"the most devastating loss a person can experience†(Frank). Especially when it comes from someone who is special like a friend and someone who trust is embedded within.The novel The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini has numerous examples of friendship issues within it. In The Kite Runner Baba and Ali are friends, but once Baba betrays Ali by sleeping with his wife their friendship suffers greatly and never quite recovers (Hosseini 222). Betrayal is something that cannot easily be recovered from, something that changes two people’s relationship forever. Ano...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Tybalts Character in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Although admirable qualities add to one's life, they can often lead to their death. One such example of this occurs in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet where we are introduced to Tybalt, a fiery and prideful young relative of the Capulet family. In the play, In the play, Tybalt plays a prominent role in both the thematic scheme and in the ultimate outcome. Tybalt is the instigator of a chain of reactions which change the course of this tragedy, sending it into a headlong collision with fate. Tybalt?s uncontrollable vengeance, skill as a fighter and sense of Capulet pride are admirable in their own ways, but lead Tybalt to his eventual death at the hands of Romeo. Tybalt seems to be recognized even by his own family as a hothead. Up until his death in Act III, he is constantly quarreling and never hesitates to draw a weapon in the face of a foe. Are anger management classes a spoof? If there were not a real problem with anger, they would not exist. Let us just say that Tybalt never was able to complete his anger management classes, because it is evident he has trouble controlling his anger. Tybalt is first introduced at the Capulet party that Romeo has decided to attend without an invitation. When Tybalt first spots Romeo at his family's party, he immediately races to Lord Capulet, who tries to calm Tybalt. Tybalt turns and addresses Lord Capulet: ?But this intrusion shall, now seeming sweet, convert to bitter gall.?(I, V, 92-93) Through this Tybalt cools down for the time being, but he certainly demands revenge again from Romeo. Tybalt's characterization in the play occurs by a direct means and it remains static throughout the duration of the play. His rude, hateful, and bitter character is made clear by his eloquent words and actions. I feel that some of the characters best development occurs when he isn?t even involved in the scene. In Act II, Scene IV, Mercutio and Benvolio develop characteristics of his fighting methods and skill as well as his French styled mannerisms in a mocking way. The method of this development could also have occurred because of the audience that Shakespeare was attempting to entertain, an anti-French group. Thus Tybalt would be both a hated villain in a fictitious play, but also a hero in some people?s eyes. In the end, although Tybalt is proud and fiery, I do sympathize with him.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Price Discrimination
Price discrimination Price discrimination is the practice of charging a different price for the same good or service. There are three of types of price discrimination – first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree price discrimination. First degree First-degree discrimination, alternatively known as perfect price discrimination, occurs when a firm charges a different price for every unit consumed. The firm is able to charge the maximum possible price for each unit which enables the firm to capture all available consumer surplus for itself.In practice, first-degree discrimination is rare. Second degree Second-degree price discrimination means charging a different price for different quantities, such as quantity discounts for bulk purchases. Third degree Third-degree price discrimination means charging a different price to different consumer groups. For example, rail and tube travellers can be subdivided into commuter and casual travellers, and cinema goers can be subdivide int o adults and children.Splitting the market into peak and off peak use is very common and occurs with gas, electricity, and telephone supply, as well as gym membership and parking charges. Third-degree discrimination is the commonest type. Necessary conditions for successful discrimination Price discrimination can only occur if certain conditions are met. 1. The firm must be able to identify different market segments, such as domestic users and industrial users. 2. Different segments must have different price elasticities (PEDs). 3.Markets must be kept separate, either by time, physical distance and nature of use, such as Microsoft Office ‘Schools’ edition which is only available to educational institutions, at a lower price. 4. There must be no seepage between the two markets, which means that a consumer cannot purchase at the low price in the elastic sub-market, and then re-sell to other consumers in the inelastic sub-market, at a higher price. 5. The firm must have so me degree of monopoly power. Video Diagram for price discriminationIf we assume marginal cost (MC) is constant across all markets, whether or not the market is divided, it will equal average total cost (ATC). Profit maximisation will occur at the price and output where MC = MR. If the market can be separated, the price and output in the inelastic sub-market will be P and Q and P1 and Q1 in the elastic sub-market. When the markets are separated, profits will be the area MC, P,X,Y + MC1,P1,X1,Y1. If the market cannot be separated, and the two submarkets are combined, profits will be the area MC2,P2,X2,Y2.If the profit from separating the sub-markets is greater than for combining the sub-markets, then the rational profit maximizing monopolist will price discriminate. Market separation and elasticity Discrimination is only worth undertaking if the profit from separating the markets is greater than from keeping the markets combined, and this will depend upon the elasticities of demand in the sub-markets. Consumers in the inelastic sub-market will be charged the higher price, and those in the elastic sub-market will be charged the lower price.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Knowledge Management Tools: Component Technologies Essay
The internet provides a multitude of vendors promising to transform our business. But , we have to know which approaches should be adopt to examine the component technologies that make up a knowledge management system or suite. The analogy of hi-fi is used where each item has a certain function or purpose. The multitude of KM system on offer in the marketplace is seen as a composite variation of a number of these component technologies. Firms may decide to buy different component-of-the-shelf or develop their own tools to meet their needs. Organising knowledge tools Ontology and Taxonomy Grubber (1993) defines ontology as â€Å"a formal explicit of shared conceptualism†. It helps us on preventing wide variations on understanding or perspective to the same subject. Therefore, we have to developed ‘ontology’ to improve our level of information organization, management, and understanding. In the context of KM tools, the term ontology is often used interchangeability with taxonomy. To clarify the distinction, it’s important to recognize that an ontology is overall conceptualism whereas taxonomy is a scientifically based scheme of classification. An ontology may have non taxonomic conceptual relationship such as ‘has part’ relationship between concepts. In contrast, knowledge taxonomy generate hierarchical classification of terms that are structured to show relationship between them. When it comes time to implement ontologies and taxonomies there are three options:  · develop the ontology then develop the supporting taxonomy.  · develop taxonomy and then develop the over-arching ontology  · develop the two in parallel. Define your scope The first step in developing the combined ontology and taxonomy is to clearly scope the effort. A clearly defined scope is critical to the success of the effort. The question that can best help shape the scope of the effort is simply, what purpose will the combined ontology and taxonomy serve? The answer to this question serves several purposes:  · It sets bounds on the effort. These bounds are necessary to answering the basic managerial questions of how long will it take, and how much will it cost.  · It helps identify the primary domains and perspectives to be included.  · It should identify the specific business activities that will make direct use of the ontologies and taxonomies and how the resulting knowledge will be used to accomplish their mission. Normally the answer to this question will fall into one of three categories:  · To serve as a common framework for knowledge sharing.  · To enable reuse of existing domain knowledge.  · To a better understand what the organization knows by separating domain knowledge from the operational knowledge and making assumptions explicit. The first two of these, knowledge sharing and reuse are at the heart of most KM initiatives. Answers falling into the third category are indicative of advanced KM or academic initiatives. The following steps are applicable to all three scenarios and are specifically targeted toward those efforts focusing on knowledge sharing and reuse. Check for Existing Ontologies and Taxonomies Business operations today are also often dependent on, or required to adhere to one or more industry standards and may interface with applications that make use of existing ontologies or controlled vocabularies. For that reason, it is often best to use preexisting taxonomies and ontologies before launching into an extensive and possibly expensive development effort. Identify Important Terms If it is determined that existing ontologies and taxonomies are insufficient to meet the scope of the effort, then it is time to start collecting the raw materials for the new structures. This starts with identifying the key terms that are used to express the knowledge needed to enable specific business activities. At this point, it is important to list of all terms used to make statements or to explain to someone else what is needed to accomplish the business activities included within the scope of the effort. These can normally be found in corporate policy or operational instructions and from people with expertise in the activities. While gathering these terms it is important to stay within the scope of the effort. Incorporating the full lexicon for a large multi-national conglomerate may look like a major accomplishment, but it will not help build an effective knowledge environment if the scope of the effort is smaller. Rather, the broader scope will make it more difficult to marr y the concepts of the field to those used by the people you are trying to support. Define the Class Hierarchy Armed with the terms and concepts that are critical to expressing the knowledge needed to enable those business activities to be supported, the next step is to define a class hierarchy. Again, there are three ways to do this:  · Work from the top down. Start by identifying the general concepts (super-class identification) and then determine which of the others fall within those categories (subclass identification).  · Work from the bottom up . Start by developing cluster of related concepts (subclass grouping) and then look for the higher-order concepts that under which a given cluster of concepts might fall (super-class identification)  · Work from the top down and bottom up. This starts with the identification of the more important concepts first and then generalize and specialize them appropriately. The authors have found that this approach is the easiest to follow and has a lower risk of getting mired in the â€Å"semantic swamp.†When organizing terms and concepts t he basic formula is: If a class A is a super class of class B, then every instance of B is also an instance of A. In other words, the class B represents a concept that is a â€Å"kind of†A. As the class structure for your domain begins to take shape, check how well it expresses the way the people that are actually involved in the associated activates actually talk about what they are doing. Make sure that it reflects the actual context in which it will be used. The language of practical ontology or taxonomy should not to require the user to stop and translate between the way they normally think about things and the â€Å"official†term. This is also the time to make sure that the vocabulary used to express the hierarchical class structure agrees with the real-world (and agreed upon) vocabulary and accurately serves to classify the information that will need to be exchanged between the people and applications involved in meeting the targeted activities. When these conditions occur, the clas s hierarchical effectively becomes the upper-layers of the taxonomy. This is a critical factor in insuring on-going semantic alignment between the resulting ontology and taxonomy.
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