Sunday, May 24, 2020
An Analysis Of Flannery O Connor - 1212 Words
The percentage of people who say they believe in God, pray, frequently go to religious services, embrace minimal religious practices or find their faith meaningful has declined over the last 50 years. A growing group of Americans do not believe in God or any organized faith. In fact, unbelief is even fashionable. Religious conviction is perceived as burdensome or an outdated attitude - easily discarded. This is the backdrop upon which 20th century American, Southern Gothic writer, Flannery O’Connor, wrote her books and short stories in the 1950s and 1960s. She, in her short stories and books of fiction, did not describe beautiful rooms or people living happily ever after; she wrote about the human condition in the American South and the state of religious conviction. She wrote about unbelievers, lukewarm souls, narcissists and the spiritually illiterate. She wrote about racists, white trash, busy bodies and poor, beaten down black folks. She wrote about the unraveling of faith where the default mode for her characters was apathy, smugness, desapir or indifference. She believed the South was haunted by religion but as a group were literally swimming in mediocrity, cynicism and emptiness – a rough and tumble nihilism. They might say their faith mattered or attended services, but many were just lying to their neighbors and themselves. To her, they were just checking the box with a faith bordering on tepid and pathetic. She felt, given their current status, they would not know aShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Greenleaf By Flannery O Connor1105 Words  | 5 Pagestheir place in the hierarchy of society. People become fixated on one idea they have of a person in a certain social class, that anybody who breaks out of specific stereotypes may often cause anger amongst others. In the short story â€Å"Greenleaf†by Flannery O’Connor, the main character, Mrs. May, is obsessive about the way others perceive her and her place in society. Mr. M ay’s identity is so strictly tied to her desire to get to a higher social class and her notions how society should work, that sheRead MoreAnalysis Of Flannery O Connor s A Good Man Is Hard Essay1426 Words  | 6 PagesResearch Analysis for A Good Man is Hard to Find Flannery O Connor s A Good Man is Hard to Find is certainly a surprising work of literature. With this story having a not so happy ending, it goes against all of the conventional ideas on what a typical storybook ending should be. Another unusual thing about A Good Man is Hard to Find is the use of the term good. It is thrown around excessively through the entire tale by the grandmother and even the Misfit seems to use this word as wellRead MoreAnalysis Of The Story Disclosure By Flannery O Connor962 Words  | 4 PagesFlannery O Connor s experience impacted her to compose the short story Disclosure. One vital effect on the story is her Southern childhood. Amid her lifetime, Southerners were exceptionally biased towards individuals of different races and ways of life. They trusted that individuals who were less lucky were second rate compared to them; accordingly, individuals were named as various things and put into various social classes. The South gave O Connor the pictures she required for her charactersRead MoreAn Analysis Of Flannery O Connor s A Good Man1425 Words  | 6 PagesBakane Franca Dr. Lorna Wiedmann English 202-025 December 12, 2014 The Devious Grandmother Have you ever noticed that, many individuals never awaken to reality unless they are exposed to violence? In Flannery O’Connor’s short story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†his main character, the grandmother is a master manipulator. In the story, a family is destroyed not only because of accidents caused by the grandmother, but also because the grandmother is inconsiderate and self-centered; they are all killedRead MoreAn Analysis Of Flannery O Connor s A Good Man933 Words  | 4 PagesIn Flannery O’Connor’s short story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†, the fate of the family is foreshadowed within the very first few paragraphs. The grandmother in the story tries to convince the family that going to Tennessee would be much more suitable for the family vacation not only because had the children been to Florida before, but there is a criminal who has escaped from federal prison and is headed that way (1076). She tries to inform her so n, Bailey, and his wife of the convict who claimsRead MoreCritical Analysis Of Flannery O Connor s Good Country People 1787 Words  | 8 PagesA Critical Character Analysis of Flannery O Connor s â€Å"Good Country People†, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to find†, Everything That Rises Must Converge. You can never forget the time you re living in because the past is the past and it will never come back. So to adjust your philosophy and creativity in fashion to the time you re living in is the most important thing. - Donatella Versace In each of Flannery O’Connor’s stories there is a very different perspectives in the stories also in theRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Everything That Rises Must Converge By Flannery O Connor1479 Words  | 6 PagesSophie Halavy English 2â€â€Prof. Sosner 6 May 2015 Self-Awareness in â€Å"Everything That Rises Must Converge†Flannery O’Connor’s short story â€Å"Everything That Rises Must Converge†emphasizes the hostility and racial discrimination that white southerners exhibited towards African Americans as a result of integration during the 1960’s. This short story focuses not only on the white American’s living in poverty, but also accentuates the ways in which two people born in different generations react to racialRead MoreAnalysis Of Everything That Rises Must Converge By Flannery O Connor981 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Everything That Rises Must Converge†the social concerns of the 1960’s â€Å"particularly the disorder of the modern world and the impact of cultural and social change--are prevalent†and addressed on multiple occasions (Schoenberg). The approach used by Flannery O’Connor might be seen as one that is ironic. Dorothy McFarland makes note of this by commenting on â€Å"whatever signs of convergence of social classes or races are evident in the story are dealt with by the characters in ways that minimize any realRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Everything That Rises Must Converge By Flannery O Connor1620 Words  | 7 PagesThe character of Julian in Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"Everything That Rises Must Converge†is one that evokes conflicting emotions in readers. On an immediate judgment, it would be easy to view Julian as someone who is pretentious and narcissistic. Throughout the course of the piece, he is presented as being constantly bored and disgusted with those around him, because he believes he is more highly educated. Based on his presentation in the text, it is easy to think that Julian is using his advanced educationRead MoreGrace: Analysis of The Enduring Chill by Flannery O ´connor and A Personal Experience951 Words  | 4 PagesIn the short story The Enduring Chill, a man by the name of Asbury Fox is presented with God’s grace multiple times throughout t he short story. He is offered God’s grace in the form of his mother, a stain on the ceiling, and a Jesuit priest. In the short story, Asbury is a failed writer who blames his failures on everyone else except himself. He has a sense of intellectual superiority to all those around. He is also sick and believes he will die from this mysterious disease. The first time Asbury
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Oxfam Non Commercial Organisation - 1218 Words
Introduction: Oxfam is non-commercial organisation which is fighting against poverty.Oxfam stands for Oxford Committee for Famine Relief.For the first time the creators of Oxfam met together in October 1942 in Oxford, to discuss with the government the opportunity to decrease(reduce) the allied blockade of occupied Europe and cover feeding of imperative alleviation key to civilians.Oxfam was created with 8 various members the(famous) powerful one was Jackson-Cole a London businessman(Web Cache,N/A).This became now Oxfam GB and still based in Oxford, Oxfordshire.Oxfam GB started to become more popular and well known by opening their first regular shop in 1948.Goal of this project is recognize the main stakeholders of the company and what†¦show more content†¦In 1995 Oxfam GB joined another 17 Oxfam s organization from all over the world to form Oxfam International which is helping in more than 90 countries(Oxfam International,2015). There are a lot of charity shops in the United Kingdom s elling with more or less the same price of Oxfam GB.These shops are the main competitors to oxfam.For
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
P2P Lending in Singapore - 13536 Words
Abstract This study focuses on demand of P2P market among SMEs and consumer market. The researcher has developed a framework based on how peer to peer lending platforms are important for SME’s and what are the governmental regulations to promote online lending platforms, how SMEs play an important role in the development of economy, how important is the peer to peer platform to them and the future position of peer to peer market in Singapore. The focal point lies on the demand of peer to peer lending platforms among small and medium enterprises and consumer market. The study illustrates a high demand of peer to peer lending among small and medium enterprises regardless of less security of investment. This study also includes risk and†¦show more content†¦According to, Peer to peer accounts up to 90% of capital deployed in financial industry. Presence of Peer to peer lending is now an alternate financing platform to investors and companies without going through tradi tional methods of approaching banks or financial institutions due to fact that they offer higher returns. For Singapore, peer to peer lending is still considered as a new and developing sector. Singapore economy mainly consists of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME), whereby most new start-up SMEs face problems in getting loan from bank or financial institutions due to lack of goodwill. This means, peer to peer lending in Singapore bridges the SMEs gap of getting loans for business development. This research mainly focuses on the future of Peer to peer lending in Singapore that is useful to have a practical insight of Peer to peer lending and its implications in Singapore. Peer to peer lending took a huge lead in financial industry during last few years and their accelerating presence holds a deep impact on financial sectors. Peer to peer lending is growing rapidly in terms of its service and also in other financial areas to surpass normal banking services. With the known popularity of peer to peer lending, it has definitely bridged the gap in financial industry by allowing investors directly lend money via online platformShow MoreRelatedBank of America Mobile Banking2473 Words  | 10 Pagesabroad. In 2012 they situation in the banking industry has improved. Bank of America By 2009, BofAs businesses included retail banking (i.e., deposits, debit and credit cards, mortgage loans), global wealth management, middle market lending, large corporate lending, global treasury services, and investment banking. By December 2009, BofAs markets covered 82% of the U.S. population, and the bank served over 53 million customers and small businesses. U.S. Mobile Banking Market Mobile bankingRead MoreMobile Payment18262 Words  | 74 Pagesstakeholders (MNOcentric, bank-centric, vendor-centric, payments platform-centric, etc), involve different business models (B2B, B2C, C2C, and one-way and two-way P2P), and in Asia Pacific vary across national markets (the ‘leaders’ Japan and Korea, the ‘giants’ China, India, Indonesia and Philippines, the ‘tigers’ of Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, and the ‘mid-markets’ of Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam). Understanding this diversity and the market opportunities it gives rise to is a key to wiseRead MoreE Commerce in Thailand5356 Words  | 22 Pagesfollowing is the statistical summary of Thailand’s economy. Statistical Summary | | | | |  | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | Inflation (% change) | 5.50 | -0.80 | 3.30 | 3.80 | Exchange rate (per US$) | 33.36 | 34.33 | 31.73 | 30.49 | Lending rate | 7.00 | 6.00 | 5.90 | 6.90 | GDP (% real growth) | 2.50 | -2.30 | 7.80 | 0.10 | GDP (national currency millions) | 90,80,466.00 | 90,41,551.00 | 1,01,04,821.00 | 1,05,40,134.00 | GDP (US$ millions) | 2,72,156.90 | 2,63,367.70 | 3,18,473Read MoreEmerging Trends in Entrepreneurship4541 Words  | 19 Pagesa business could be used to support a social aim, such as funding the programming of a non-profit organization. Moreover, a business could accomplish its social aim through its operation by employing individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds or lending to micro-businesses that have difficulty in securing investment from mainstream lenders. Social innovation and entrepreneurship Faced with new complexities some companies are forging innovative paths to reconcile human impacts on the environmentRead MoreMarketing and E-commerce Business65852 Words  | 264 PagesUniversity Azimuth Interactive, Inc. Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sà £o Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editor In Chief: Stephanie Wall Executive Editor: Bob Horan Program Manager Team Lead: Ashley Santora Program Manager: Denise Vaughn Editorial Assistant: Kaylee Rotella Executive Marketing Manager: Anne K. Fahlgren ProjectRead MoreOnline Banking42019 Words  | 169 Pagesregulations that apply only to Internet banking. Supervision is based on public disclosure of information rather than application of detailed prudential rules. These disclosure rules apply to Internet banking activity also. 3.5.3 Singapore The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has reviewed its current framework for licensing, and for prudential regulation and supervision of banks, to ensure its relevance in the light of developments in Internet banking, either as an additional channel or/inRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesGiving a task or assignment that can result in promotion. Acknowledging effort, accomplishments, or abilities. Providing a chance to be known by higher-ups or significant others in the organization. Providing opportunities for linking with others. Lending or giving money, budget increases, personnel, etc. Helping with existing projects or undertaking unwanted tasks. Giving task support, providing quicker response time, or aiding implementation. Providing organizational as well as technical knowledge
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Diet and the Dietitians Role for Irritable Bowel- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theDiet and the Dietitians Role for Irritable Bowel. Answer: Introduction: This report focuses on the case study of Bob Jackson who has been identified to be suffering with Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis based on his symptoms and past medical history. His presenting complaint was regarding diarrhoea and left lower quadrant (LLQ) abdominal pain and past medical history showed health issues of obesity, rhinitis, AF, hypertension, osteoarthritis right knee and AF. All the symptoms are linked to inflammation of the digestive tract. The purpose of this report is to analyze characteristics of pain in Bob and decide on one pain medication that would provide relief to patient. Secondly, as care of patients require multidisciplinary team approach, role of one multidisciplinary team member is discussed who would engage in Bobs care during the hospital stay. Choice of Medication for Bob: After admission to the hospital ward following abdominal pain and diarrhoea, Bob has pressed his call bell for pain relief. The assessment of his LLQ abdominal pain using COLDSPA denotes that he experiences a dull pain all the time in his , which increases to a strong pressure on the body. The issue is that the onset of pain has got worse since the last two days. His abdominal pain at rest was 6/10 and it has the potential to increase to 9/10 if appropriate pain medication is not provided to student. Among the choice of three medications, Endone 5-10mg PO PRN is considered to be the most appropriate pain killer to control pain in patient. This is because his pain has become worst for the past 2 days and Endone can start working within 10-15 minutes to relieve pain. The patient had taken Endone at 1130 am and since he is complaining of pain again at 1200 pm, this is an indication that Endone dose is needed again. This can give relief to patient for 3-6 hours and the nurse can adjust t he dose based on the severity of pain after consultation with the clinician(Endone | myVMC., 2017). Considering his LLQ pain and increase of pain on movement, giving Endone medication is necessary. The rational for using Endone is that it is an opioid analgesic consisting of the active ingredient ocxycodone hydrochloride and it influences the way body responds to pain. The opioid activates the opioid pain receptors in the central nervous system and disrupts the transmission of pain signals through the nervous. This consequently reduces the transmission of signal through the spinal cord and cause relied from pain(Oxycodone - DrugBank. , 2017). Bob particularly had symptoms of diarrhea and abdominal pain and Endone works to reduce neuronal excitability in response to pain signals. Impairment of gastrointestinal tract function was a major issue in Bob indicated by symptoms of LLQ pain, lower abdominal distension, loose stool and watery diarrhea. Research study has also supported the opioid analgesics as one of the treatment option for relieving pain in patients with Crohns disease or ulcerative colitis(Regueiro, 2017). One research study also proves that opioid analgesics are used for treating bowel dysfunction. However, as it is associated with flare up of the condition and risk of infection, it is necessary to combine oxycodone with peripherally acting opioid receptor antagonist to reduce adverse effect on Bob. Oral laxatives and opioid switch may also be considered in case of adverse side effects in patient(Leppert, 2012). Role of one Health Care Team Member in the Management of Bob: While caring for Bob, the role of dietician will be the most important for the recovery of patient. This is because Bob has been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease, which is the most common type of inflammatory bowel disease, and management of diet will be most important for improving the symptoms in patient. Appropriate diet and nutrition will be the most important priority for dietician because reducing symptoms and promoting recovery in patient. Diet may not be regarded as a factor contributing to the disease, however it plays an important role on healing of patient. In inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease, the inflammation of the intestine limits its ability to digest and absorb food. Hence, such unabsorbed nutrient may escape into large intestine, patients like Bob may suffer from diarrhea and malnutrition. Hence, the dietician can help to plan the diet chart of patient in such a way to reduce diarrhea and other adverse symptoms in patient. The British Dietetic Association also provided evidence-based guidelines for the dietary management of Crohns disease. As the disease is associated with acute flare ups and remissions, an expert dietitian plays a vital role in nutritional management of the disease condition(Lee, 2014). The dietician can make individualize diet plan for Bob based on the type of intestine affected. There is no blanket rule or recommendation related to specific diet for patients, however dietician can identify food items that can cause digestive problem for patients and restrict those foods for Bob. The dietician may also play a role in identifying food intolerance or allergies in patient and yet preventing malnutrition in patient by providing balanced diet. Secondly, balancing fluid intakes is also critical for them to reduce the risk of dehydration due to chronic diarrhea (Burke Ahmed, 2014). Research study also points out that dietician often prescribe low fibre or low residue diet for Crohns disease patient to reduce the risk of bowel obstruction and other symptoms. In addition, dieticians also consider providing probiotics and prebiotics to patients like Bob to manipulate intestinal microbiota to counterbalance harmful bacteria. Currently, dieticians also focus on reducing the d isaccharides, polyols and fermentable sachharides as a diet management strategy to prevent abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea(Camilleri, 2011). Hence, regular engagement of the dietician with Bob will reduce risk of remission and promote recovery of patient. Conclusion: The paper discussed about the efficacy of Endone drug as a choice for managing pain in patients. It is considered effective to relieve pain, as it is an opioid analgesic that reduces transmission of pain signal. However, it was also argued that combining the drug with drugs is important as opioid analgesic increases the risk of infection in patient. Secondly, the role of dietician has been discussed to manage symptoms and promote recovery of patient. The report suggested that fluid management, balancing nutrition, preventing malnutrition and reducing fibre based diet are some important diet management strategies to manage care of patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease. Bibliography Burke, A. . (2014). Diet and the Dietitians Role in the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: An exploration of Patients and Healthcare Professionals Perspectives. Camilleri, M. (2011). Managing symptoms of irritable bowel. 60, 425428. Endone | myVMC. (2017, September 7). Retrieved from Lee, J. A. (2014). British Dietetic Association evidence?based guidelines for the dietary management of Crohn's disease in adults. Journal of human nutrition and dietetics, 27(3), 207-218. Leppert, W. (2012). The impact of opioid analgesics on the gastrointestinal tract function and the current management possibilities. Contemporary Oncology, 16(2), 125. Oxycodone - DrugBank. . (2017, September 7). Retrieved from Oxycodone - DrugBank. . (2017, September 2017). Retrieved from Regueiro, M. G. (2017). Etiology and treatment of pain and psychosocial issues in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Gastroenterology, 152(2), 430-439.
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