Thursday, December 26, 2019
Fashion And Fashion - 1557 Words
For many years people have been putting some message in the type of clothing they wore, people started wanting to stand out from the big crowds and be different from other people, changing the way they use their clothes, giving a personal touch, trying to stand out from the common way that people were used to wear it. Fashion can be defined as a constantly changing trend, it is necessary to recognize that at the present moment fashion has a deeper influence on peoples life, is not only anymore something to cover our self, fashion nowadays show some part of peoples personality and tell to other people who they are. People can decide in which way want to be perceive, showing that fashion posses more than just frivolous reasons for its†¦show more content†¦The message that clothing contains is basically a way of nonverbal communication, all of this means that in this new era, people not just wear close to follow a social condition that is to be cover, it is also a way to show people how important is for each of us to be well presented. Clothes have an immense impact on the perception of people and on the perception of the person who is wearing it, a suit can make a person feel more confident which eventually will change even the gestures and the manner of talking of the person or for instan ce wearing jeans after a suit may change the conduct of a person to a very liberal one (Hollander, 2002) The perception of people around can be very predictable in terms of their reaction on a person wearing this or that style of clothing. Fashion is one of the most powerful means of communication, which sometimes may play a vital role in the life of a person. Therefore fashion may not only carry a message. This can be simply proved by analyzing the reaction of the people on the street on people wearing different types of clothing. The preference is always given to people dressed in a conventional way, with this Im not sayingShow MoreRelatedFashion Styles Of The Fashion Essay1326 Words  | 6 PagesWhen people think of fashion, no one thinks about all the genres that come with fashion from the clothing to the designers, fashion has many genres. One genre, in general, is style. Some may call themselves grunge or preppy. There are many fashion genres that people wear, from classic, chic, western and goth. These genres in fashion give a pathway to what people were wearing in previous y ears like for an example, the 90’s were grunge, and the 70s were bohemian. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Racism A Historical And Social Construct - 1815 Words
Racism: A Historical and Social Construct in America â€Å"Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict, [or] war, the fight for civil rights, and during economic downturns†(Shah). Racism has evolved throughout the years, yet still remains pervasive and highly oppressive. We are taught at an early age that we are all created equal, however as people grow, many tend to believe otherwise. This semester, our textbook has shown us racism taking root in our country from the day Columbus arrived, well into the 1830’s, and has provided principles that are still relevant today. Throughout the years covered in our reading assignments, David Walker’s â€Å"An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World,†William Apess’ â€Å"An Indian’s Looking-Glass for the Whi te Man,†Christopher Columbus’ â€Å"Letter of Columbus,†and Samson Occom’s â€Å"A Short Life Narrative,†all works provide personal accounts demonstrating the growth of racism in America ranging from the years 1451 to 1829. When Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to what is now known as the Americas, an opportunity presented itself for the cultures of both Europe and the Americas to flourish. The result of his so called â€Å"discovery†was neither glorious nor heroic in the eyes of many Natives andShow MoreRelated Racism: A Historical and Social Construct in America Essay2951 Words  | 12 PagesRacism, will it ever end? The answer is probably not. The United States of America was set up on the basis of race. Even many years ago European settlers looked down upon the Native Americans as inferior. Years later in today’s modern society, racism still exists, although we may not fully realize it. Many people are not aware of how much racism still exists in our schools workforces, and anywhere else where social lives are occurring. Using our sociological imagination, we are capable of applyingRead MoreThe Works Of Richard Robbins : Global Problem And The Culture Of Capitalism1268 Wo rds  | 6 Pagesand historical references. Through reading and analyzing these works along with our class lectures it has become apparent that there is a clear relationship between these systems. Capitalism causes and enforces systems of inequality and privilege. Capitalism is able to do this through the construct of social reality, the matrix of capitalist domination: segmentation of class, gender, and race, and through the manipulation of society by capitalistic culture. To begin, the construct of social realityRead MoreEssay about Excerpt of The Morphing of Whiteness in America706 Words  | 3 Pagesrepresents the racial categorization of â€Å"white†. Vacillating between racial portrayals of â€Å"whiteness†, embodying a divergence between the fluidity of historic and social transformation and a disingenuous reflection of bigotry, disrespect, and intolerance, Duster distinguishes race as a compilation of divergent biochemical, neurological, and social identities (Duster n.d.). Cognizant of concessions shown to the â€Å"white†race, Duster denotes an inevitability to refute the moral reality of â€Å"white’ exclusivityRead MoreThe Differences Between Race And Race869 Words  | 4 Pagesexists only as a sort of construct that humans create in order to classify each other and make assumptions based upon these classifications. In many ways, this assertion holds merit. For instance, recent scientific evidence point s to numerous physiological similarities between races, and these similarities discredit the ideals of ‘scientific racism’. However, despite the new anthropological interpretation of race’s ability to deflect the principles of scientific or ‘real’ racism, this definition alsoRead MoreRacism And Racism Essay971 Words  | 4 PagesIs it racism or economics which hinders many African American communities from progressing economically in the 21st Century? This research proposal will address this question by examining the social and psychological impact caused by racism and the economic impact it’s had on the African American community. This proposal will further investigate whether the emotional scars of slavery continue to hamper African American progress or if racism is actually the cause. 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The Lack of equal access to supportive political policies, as well as, economics, healthcare, mental health care, and other resources that are vital to survival. Yet this group of people continue to display resilience. It’s the civic duty of the social worker communit yRead MoreSociological Theories Of Prejudice And Racism1645 Words  | 7 PagesSociological Theories of Prejudice and Racism Functionalist theory argues for race and ethnic relations to be functional and thus supply to the melodic conduct and strength of society, racial and ethnic minorities must assimilate into that society. Assimilation is a process by which a minority becomes socially, economically, and culturally absorbed within the dominant society. The assimilation perspective assumes that to become fully fledged members of society, alternative groups must adopt as muchRead MoreA Brief Note On Social Construction Of Race Essay1378 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Construction of Race One of the social reforms that are argued to have been achieved by the contemporary society is acknowledged that all people within the society are equal irrespective of some socio-cultural differences such as race. The view that all persons are equal is ingrained in the society and supported by an array of a legal framework. One of the supporting legal frameworks is the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, which asserts that all persons must be treated with equalityRead MoreTeaching Freedom : Education For Liberation953 Words  | 4 Pagesby giving me insight on an array of pedagogical principles in liberatory education. From citizenship schools, to freedom schools, to African-centered institution the encouragement of conscientization and collaboration led to a breaking dominate constructs and being autonomous. As I reflected on the text, I began to consider what the meaning of knowledge, what it really is and how the use of knowledge is political and powerful. The goal of liberatory education is provoke a shift in dominant paradigms
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Leadership Change and
Question: Discuss about the the Job of an Island Coordinator. Answer: Introduction The work of an island co ordinator is to guide the different transactions so that it becomes easy for the customers to understand about that place. The job of an island co ordinator is to provide personable, fast and friendly services to their customers. A complete experience and knowledge about the different co ordinators that will help in the lead generation, growing and the networking of the business will also be explained. In this report, the organization that has been chosen is the Vintage Maldives, that is one of the event management organization and my role as an island co ordinator in that organization will be explained. The Naifaru is the island that is situated in Maldives that is 142km from the north of their capital that is Male. Changes in the organization The company is currently going under modification in organizational level due to several challenges that coming in front. They can be summarized as bellow. Challenges The company is recently facing some major challenges in operation that are leading to change in the organizational settings. Moreover, the challenges impose higher level of risks on the event management organizations that operate in the islands. Shrinking Budgets Island coordinators are in need to come up with creative solution to deal with the shrinking budget. A better management is required for properly managing an distributing the cost utilization of the company (, 2017). Less Money from sponsors This is a major challenge that is faced by a event management organization as it has to go through a rough negotiation with the sponsors. As operating in the island of Maldives, the crowd is comparatively low than the mainland which cause the sponsors to clear less budget for the organization. Technology On to the fact, the increasing developments that are ongoing in the technological field are changing the face of event management organization. Some of them can be identified and directly linked with the organization under study. Increased activity on the audiences in social media makes it absolute necessary for the event management team to update themselves in the technological ground and enter the social media for promotions. The online mobile app is becoming the new face of even organizations. Hence, it requires becoming mobile friendly so that the audience can peek a look any time to their nearby events. Ticket selling via online is also a necessity now a day to cope up in the field (, 2017). Security As an island coordinating organization, first and foremost importance has to be given on the security aspect of the events. There are various accidents that occurred in past that poses threat for the organization. Increased Government Regulation Due to the rate of accidents that occurs in the events in the island, the government of Maldives is setting strict laws on the coordinating organizations which are making it difficult for them to operate. Changes in the Organization To face the challenges as mentioned above, the organization needed some modification to operate and make profit out of it. Hence, modification has been made on two important grounds. They are as follows. Integration of Social media As the technology is an inseparable part of daily life, it was wise for the management of the organization to enter the social media to attract more audience (Jeske and Shultz 2016). The management decided to implement a department in the organization that will operate in the social media. Their job will be to update the information of the events, receiving and answering the feedback of the customers, tracking online sell and maintain the presence of the company in the social media. It will in turn help the company to create its social and corporate value to both customers and sponsors (Laroche, Habibi and Richard 2013). More the company maintains their presence in social medial, more the chances of gaining sponsorship and audience. This directly changed the model and brought modification in the managerial level (Aral, Dellarocas and Godes 2013). Modification in security Second change that took place in the organization is the tightening up the security while keeping the privacy of the customers in mind. The security team has been modified that will keep track of the customers who are attending the events on the island. The Baywatch team became wider in the process that will help to keep track of the audiences. The security policy of the company is modified in accordance with the situation. The policy clearly marks the responsibility of the customers for obtaining their own safety. A transparent Terms and Conditions is placed in front of the customers to satisfy the governmental regulations without hampering the operation of the organization (Baskerville, Spagnoletti and Kim 2014). Critical evaluation A critical change has been based on the organizations that are the Vintage Maldives in this case and it will be evaluated keeping the behavioral theory in mind. In this case, the job role of the island co ordinator is to make some of the limitations that have a controversial issue even. The behavioral theory will help in controlling the different research settings, which in this case is the island co ordinator. The frequency of the behavior needs to be measured so that even without consideration the intensity of the implication should include the length and the quality. This is then considered as the statement that reflects the quality vs. quantity debate. As per (Parris and Peachey 2013), there is a psychoanalytic perspective that most of the behaviors of the research workers should make a follow up, which they do not as the co ordinators. Often the theory of the behaviorism is that the people ignore the insight of the people so that the self awareness and their relationships are th ose things that matters the most. The outcomes are that the behavioral treatment can only be short and do not last long. There is a need to refuse the statement that has been referred by the long term benefits of the behavioral treatment that might take the turn in the different verbal communications (Dinh et al. 2014). This might be a long term development of the various social skills that is also considered as those of the autism. Change management There are various management theories that are based primarily on the substantive main body as an island operator. The positioning main body of the changes will eventually be illustrating on the positioning and the relationship on the various changes that is required in this organization. The Lewins Freeze phase model is one of those developed forms that involve the various static states from one state of activity to another status quo. There are various stages of managing the practices one is the unfreezing, refreezing and the changing. Unfreeze: There is a need for preparing the change in a good procedure that is required in the Vintage Maldives that is an event management organization. There is a need to make these changes as a crucial part of the organization that is important as well. There is a need to make the people feel in an existing way that there is a need for change that will be to their ultimate benefit. There is a need to add thee step that is core and has a reexamining part. Change: It will definitely take time for the customers to adapt and consider those changes. There is a need to make the people feel and embrace those changes that are ultimately for their benefit. Reassuring the different stages of the leadership requires the various aspects that not only steer towards the right direction but helps in making the process easy. The implementation of these changes that is required to be made is that improving the security zones, making a clear view of their safety measures. Refreeze: This means that the organization needs to become more stable in its own field again, when the customers have embraced those changes. This is why the term has been named as refreeze. This is the reason the process needs to start back to their normal routine and their pace. The changes that was not there in that organization has been made implemented now and the customers are happy with it as it involves their safety measures. Fig 1: Lewins Freeze phase model (Source: Cummings, Bridgman and Brown 2016) Through this job as an island, co ordinator there is a need to explain the different forms of learning. Learning has no end so there is a need to explain the different languages and the cite seeing that has several dos and the do nots. There is a need to explain the different issues that can be faced through the complex issues of the behavioral language. There is a need to explain the different types of the modeling and their reinforcement (Northouse 2014). The various underlying causes and the treatment symptoms have to be well discussed with the issues of the behaviorism. Various symptoms have a relief that needs to be well treated. The responsibility of the island co ordinator to make sure all the safety rules and the regulations are followed and he has the supreme authority to control them. no empirical evidences. It has been chosen so that helps it helps in the substitution of the treated ones, while making and conditions changed. Personal Reflection I obtained the first hand experience of the change that underwent in the organization. The challenges were becoming more and more intolerable for the company and the changes were required in order to continue their operation. The changes in the social media were of absolute necessity for the company as per my opinion. Though it increases the cost expenses of the company to hire a new group of people to handle their activity in the social media and look after their online transaction, it will in turn increase their revenue generation that will result in increasing profit. It represents the good leadership of the management for taking right decision for the company. Another change that took place in the organization is the security. Their security management was transformed due to the government pressure. The workshop held by the Ministry of Maldives on 24th May 2017 strictly outlines the development required in the policies of the tourism and event management of the country (tourism.g, 2017). Moreover, different accidents occur in the beach which is handled by the security and management team. The accident that occurred in recent time led to controversy, as the intensity of the issue was well above the danger level. A group of young audience left the concert early went for boating in the remote side of the island without informing the authority. The group went missing which spread panic in the other audiences of the concert. A search operation was initiated which found the group in another deserted island of Maldives. The report confirmed that they lost the control of the boat in the high tide and resulted into crash in that island. This incident placed a deep impact, which forced the organization to modify their security team and bring considerably change their security policy. Improvement of the practice There was once an accident that occurred in the Naifaru island in Maldives, where the security of the tourists was questioned. Therefore, here I being the island co ordiantor it is my sole responsibility to make the tourists land in a safe place and their safety will be my first duty. I would like to ensure that there are no more accidents occurring in the island and my tourists can enjoy the place without being harmed. The few attractions of this place is the scuba diving that means the tourists will dive under water and there is a need to make sure that they do not drown. The few improvements that I would like to ensure, as an island co ordinator is that no one should be allowed to dive being drunk. A test will be held that will ensure that the person is drunk and then only he will be allowed to dive orelse not (Tourish 2014). This will be made as a safety precaution so that the safety measures of the people is kept in mind. There is a need to make these rules followed so that the people safety measures are met. This will be the first initiatives that I will take as an island co ordinator. People will be allowed to drink on the beach but will not be allowed to swim or avail any water transport if he is found excessively high. These few things need to be kept in mind. I will make these laws and make a complete arrangement so that the people follow my rules and the regulations and there is no case of any accident. There is a need to make these rules implemented in pen and paper. These few things need to be kept in mind and I will implement it after I become an island co ordinator. Conclusion From the above report, it can be concluded that the major factors regarding the implementations as an island co ordinator has been explained. There is a need for major improvements so that the work can be enjoyed as well as the safety measures can also be fulfilled from the customers point of view. The different change management theory has been applied in this paper that will eventually be implemented by the Vintage Maldives, an event organizational company to make it to their top. References Antonakis, J. and House, R.J., 2013. The full-range leadership theory: The way forward. In Transformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition (pp. 3-33). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Aral, S., Dellarocas, C. and Godes, D., 2013. Introduction to the special issuesocial media and business transformation: a framework for research. Information Systems Research, 24(1), pp.3-13. Baskerville, R., Spagnoletti, P. and Kim, J., 2014. Incident-centered information security: Managing a strategic balance between prevention and response. Information Management, 51(1), pp.138-151. Cummings, S., Bridgman, T. and Brown, K.G., 2016. Unfreezing change as three steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewins legacy for change management. human relations, 69(1), pp.33-60. Dinh, J.E., Lord, R.G., Gardner, W.L., Meuser, J.D., Liden, R.C. and Hu, J., 2014. Leadership theory and research in the new millennium: Current theoretical trends and changing perspectives. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), pp.36-62. (2017). challenegs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Aug. 2017]. Jeske, D. and Shultz, K.S., 2016. Using social media content for screening in recruitment and selection: pros and cons. Work, employment and society, 30(3), pp.535-546. Laroche, M., Habibi, M.R. and Richard, M.O., 2013. To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media?. International Journal of Information Management, 33(1), pp.76-82. (2017). Challenges faced by event organisers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Aug. 2017]. Northouse, P.G., 2015. Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Parris, D.L. and Peachey, J.W., 2013. A systematic literature review of servant leadership theory in organizational contexts. Journal of business ethics, 113(3), pp.377-393. Tourish, D., 2014. Leadership, more or less? A processual, communication perspective on the role of agency in leadership theory. Leadership, 10(1), pp.79-98. (2017). Workshop. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Aug. 2017].
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Chick-fil-A Essay Example
The Chick-fil-A Paper Chick-fil-A’s unique corporate strategy has been embedded in the company since the first store opened in 1967. The Chick-fil-A chain itself is a product of related diversification, born from a single, southern family restaurant. In 1946, founders Ben and Truett Cathy had opened a restaurant called The Dwarf House in Hapeville, Georgia. The restaurant ran successfully and after Ben was killed in a plane crash, Truett was the sole owner. Truett went on to open two more Dwarf House restaurants, where he created and served his first fried chicken filet sandwich. This became the prototype Chick-fil-A sandwich that we know today and soon began to outsell their famous hamburgers on the Dwarf House menu. In 1963, Cathy patented the name Chick-fil-A, incorporated the company and began to sell the sandwich to other restaurants. Worried that a larger chain would take his chicken sandwich idea, Truett Cathy opened the first Chick-fil-A restaurant in 1967. By 1974, there were 21 Chick-fil-A stores in Geogia and the Carolinas alone and each reflected the same four basic tenets. First of all, the company would grow not by selling franchises, but forming joint ventures with independent operators. This guarantees quality, supervision and motivation of partnership. Second, stores will be operated only in major shopping malls. Obviously this tenet was eventually abandoned, but at the time shopping malls provided the perfect atmosphere for a Chick-fil-A store. This minimized capital cost per store and maximized exposure to customers, as malls were becoming increasingly popular at this time. Third, financing would come not thru debt, but primarily from the company’s own profits. We will write a custom essay sample on The Chick-fil-A specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Chick-fil-A specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Chick-fil-A specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This allowed Cathy to keep ownership control and run the business in accordance with his own personal principals. This also forced the firm to be more aware of profits and prohibited the chain from growing too quickly, avoiding the risk of losing operating and quality controls. Chick-fil-A began to grow for growth’s sake, not just for profit. Lastly, and most importantly, the chief emphasis will be on the people. This refers to both the customers and the employees of Chick-fil-A. These tenets have become the core competencies of the company, placing emphasis on what is best for the company and its customers. Not venturing too far from their roots, the only diversification strategy Chick-fil-A has implemented since the opening of its first store has been the creation of Truette’s Grill. Truette’s Grill opened in 1996 as a 50’s diner themed restaurant, which features the full Chick-fil-A menu as well as items from the original Dwarf Grill restaurant. Truette’s Grill is located exclusively in Gerogia and opened its third restaurant in 2006. A huge part of their corporate strategy is the way they create the joint ventures with their independent operators. Rather than selling franchises the firm seeks out individuals, often from within the organization, to become an operator. Once approved, the operator invests $5,000 to sublease the restaurant, which Chick-fil-A has already purchased and built. Chick-fil-A provides the operators with training, technology and anything else they need. Each operator is only allowed to operate one restaurant, working full time in the restaurant they built, supervising a loyal team of employees. In 2002, more than half of the Chick-fil-A operators were making over $100,000 a year, with some making as much as $300,000. Chick-fil-A also offers licensing agreements to open a Chick-fil-A Express in places such as college campuses, hospitals and airports. Chick-fil-A has chosen not to integrate vertically or horizontally, but rather build strong relationships with different suppliers and distributors. Potential suppliers can fill out an inquiry right off of the company’s website, however the approval process is very complicated. If Chick-fil-A sees a supplier as culturally fit and financially sound, they will do follow ups such as on site inspections, audits and sample runs. If and when a supplier is approved, they will have monthly meetings with the purchasing department and continue to be tested on product quality. Although Chick-fil-A does not own any of its suppliers, they retain high standards and tight control over their supply chain. Chick-fil-A has been working closely with their main distributor, MBM, since 2000. The NC based company has over 34 locations across the US, including a location in Macon, GA that was built in 2007 specifically to better serve one of its main clients, Chick-fil-A. MBM provides Chick-fil-A with order quantity software and uses the past four weeks average order quantity to predict the next week’s order. The operator can approve the quantity or increase/decrease as much as they deem necessary. These methods of inventory control help to cut cost and reduce waste, increasing profitability. The close proximity of Chick-fil-A stores to their distributors along with their inventory control methods are valuable resources to the chain. Although these resources are not rare, inimitable and there are possible substitutes for both, they add value to the chain and contribute to its success. Without the favorable locations of the distributors, Chick-fil-A would not be able to have favorable locations of their restaurants. Just as without the technology from these types of inventory control systems, the company would not be able to minimize cost, maximize profit and reduce waste. The Cathy’s have been very smart about the financial performance of their company. By deciding from the beginning that the company would be financed primarily from their own profit rather than by borrowing, the company has been able to inherit as little debt as possible. The company expects to be debt free by 2015 and claims to have not taken on any debt since 1990. The company also has a record 43 consecutive years of annual sales increase. This strong financial performance and heavy cash flow is also one of the most valuable and necessary resources to the firm. The most valuable intangible resource to the firm is embedded deep within the roots of the company. It is their focus on the human aspect of their business that has given them a sustainable competitive advantage. By focusing on the people, both the employees and customers, Chick-fil-A has set the standards for fast food customer service. By keeping the company family owned, Cathy was able to ensure that the firm would operate in accordance with his own principals. For example, Chick-fil-A, just like the Dwarf House before it, is closed on Sundays. Though the family was ridiculed in the beginning for losing a day of business, their strong family and spiritual values insisted they reserve this day for the Lord. This was also done out of consideration for employees, giving them a day of rest to spend with their family and to worship if they choose to do so. Today, Truett Cathy’s two sons, Dan and Bubba serve as COO and Senior Vice President, respectively with their father, now 90 years old, still as CEO. By keeping the business in the family, they ensure trust and experience on the highest level. It is the capabilities of these family members that have brought Chick-fil-A where it is today. To have a board composed of family members who genuinely care about the well being of their business, who have years of experience, managerial skills, trust and trade secrets is the most valuable, inimitable, rare and non-substitutable resource. However the Cathys have worked hard to instill their principals in all their employees. While dining at a Chick-fil-A restaurant it’s impossible not to notice the manners and southern hospitality of the employees. During training, employees are instructed on how to provide excellent customer service. They are instructed to use phrases such as â€Å"My pleasure†rather than â€Å"You’re welcome†and ask â€Å"May I refresh your beverage? †rather than â€Å"Can I get you a refill? †. Aside from having good manners, employees are reminded that this is still a quick service restaurant and that speed and efficiency are of the utmost importance. Every year Chick-fil-A spends $1 million evaluating its service, giving each location a two-page report detailing how its performance compares to the chain’s top performers. This close monitoring of employees not only measures performance but also builds a team environment to become one of the highest performing restaurants. Another important human aspect to consider is the previously mentioned process of selecting a location’s operator. The capability to hire, train, and motivate employees in accordance to the founders principals is extremely valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable. It is the organizational capabilities drawn from the human resources of all employees, from the executive board to behind the counter, that ensure the high levels of customer service we expect from Chick-fil-A. The firm’s human resources also reflect a high level of social complexity; it is these practices and principals that have given Chick-fil-A its strong brand name, creating a reputation with customers for quality and reliability. The human resources and capabilities of Chick-fil-A are path-dependent; they cannot easily be recreated or imitated by a competing firm, they cannot be bought but must be built over time. Works Cited
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