Monday, September 30, 2019
Dishonest salespeople and gossip Essay
No matter what culture one belongs, common observation shows that women â€Å"gossip†while men â€Å"talk shop†; women are â€Å"bossy†and men are â€Å"firm†(Women’s Language, 2005). However, even if common observation shows that women talk more than men, research findings prove otherwise. In fact, findings would even show that â€Å"men have been shown to talk more than women in settings as diverse as staff meetings, television panel discussions and husband-and-wife pairs in spontaneous conversation†(Women’s Language, 2005). As men tend to talk about â€Å"male things†like politics, sports, cars, women talk about the â€Å"women things†such as child-rearing, household chores and some personal relationships. According to Pamela Fishman’s research studies, women are relatively weak in interactive situations because they tend to â€Å"exploit questions and answers in order to force a response and keep the conversation going†(Women’s Language, 2005). Therefore, â€Å"gossiping†is common and universal. People always love to hear something about the other person who is not on the scene of conversation. What about dishonest salespeople? (rhetorical question) Are these people more disgusting than those who gossip? Looking at the gravity of damage which one causes more harm? Looking at the gravity between the results, which causes greater damage? Looking at the gravity of the situation, it seems that gossiping is the most destructive trait here. (parallelism). But of course, people will not discount the fact that dishonesty in sales is also a bad trait. For one, not all incidents of dishonesty are detected and not all detected cases are reported. Therefore any fraud statistic is an estimate. Nevertheless, the statistics make it clear that dishonesty in salespeople occurs frequently, and no organization is immune (Peterson & Zikmund, 2004). The costs of fraud and dishonesty will continue to rise unless auditors, management, and the general public become more proactive in learning about the types of fraud, the perpetrators and valuable fraud prevention and detection techniques (Bezanis, 2002). It is important to be able to know the difference between the real and spurious products in order to maintain the good image of that company. Fraud is conventionally defined as â€Å"intentional deception, deceitful pretenses, or deliberate trickery to gain an advantage†(Hanlin, 2004). Fraud encompasses an array of irregularities and illegal acts characterized by intentional deception. Every fraud involves three elements: (1) theft act, (2) concealment, and (3) conversion (Albrecht & Albrecht, 2001). For instance, buyers who get the misfortune of buying fake Gucci bags are able to identify the fake product because of the flimsy hardware, cheap leather and misspelled logos. The fake bags are so like the originals that it is hard to spot them quickly. There are businessmen who are able to copy the smart way. High-end label bags cost around $500 to over $1,000. Anything less than these price ranges are fake. Buyers are also encouraged to read the fine print so that they do not buy those that says, â€Å"Designer Inspired.†The numerous issues which plague the business sector with allegations and prosecution of unethical conduct easily fall under either the definition of fraud or unfair and deceptive practices. Or if the issue does not fit with the two terms, it can fall under unethical business conduct. The unethical conduct is a catchall phrase that includes fraud and unfair practice and other aspects beyond the scope of the two terms. In the same manner, gossip is also an unethical business indulged by people regarding other people. However, gossip causes hurt. It can hurt people and damage lives. Thus, gossip, depending on the seriousness can be extremely dangerous too. It can damage a person’s reputation and image. In the long run, gossip seems to be more damaging than dishonest salespeople because one can always return a fake product. But the destruction one causes in gossip spreads like wildfire and cannot be restored. As defined, ethical business conduct is doing something that is not required by law, contract, or other obligation and which is a positive contribution to society. Therefore, a contrary conduct is unethical. This means doing something which is prohibited by law, contract, or other obligation or which has a negative contribution to society. Contribution to society is now part of the definition because ethical business conduct has evolved into what is termed as corporate and social responsibility. An act of the company has a vast effect on the society as a whole. In the course of human interactions, there are many situations in which it is difficult to make a decision because values come into conflict. It is essential that an individual or an organization engage in values clarification to develop a personal decision-making process that fosters ethical behavior.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Regional distribution centre report
Introduction: My company that I work for is currently expanding and has recently opened several new superstores on the outskirts of large urban areas. The existing distribution centers, which supply stores, are finding it difficult to meet the increased demand. So, the company has decided to set up a new distribution centre in an area, which has a mixture of old supermarkets and new superstores. Mileage: Mileage is one of the most important factors on this survey and research that I am doing and Prime thing that I have to look for is how far it is from the motorways and the supermarkets. In my opinion location C has got the best mileage and the one with the least mileage is D. Accessibility: Accessibility is not as important as mileage but it is still a convenient factor of the research and has to be considered very deeply. If the place has plenty of doors and garages, then it would be more convenient than a store with less doors and garages for the trucks or lorries to take our stock to the superstore. The best one again is location C and the worst one again is location D. But we have to remember that some locations are better at other things than at some things. Suitable Land: Land is vital for the company because we need lots of space for our staff to store the products from our regional distribution centre.6 acres would be good enough for us. The location that strike me first location A, as it has 20 acres of land which is over three times more of what we actually wanted. And the worst one was location C. In the factors above us, it was the best and now it is the worst for the land. And not everything can be perfect, you cant have a location which scores five out of five for everything. Cost Of Land: Now we are coming to the financial side of the operation and it is the thing that we have to consider before buying the location that we decide. Price is an enormous factor for everything not just regional distribution centers. The best priced location was location D, this was the location which had scored poor ratings in all the other factors and now has appeared top for the price. And the worst priced location was location C. This location did really well with the mileage and the accessibility but is very pricey. It would not be a good idea to buy this location if the company does not have a large budget. Setting Up Cost: Well, some locations do not need much work but some do and this could cost the company quite a bit. The location that really well was location E which has not exactly had that good factors in it. And the location that has done really badly or the worst was location B, this location is out of the picture as it was not good use to us. Labour Force: Where ever a business moves and there are job opportunities people would try really hard to get one so that's why we are considering to move to a place where there is a high unemployment and, the people should be skilled or have had experiences and we should be able to offer them low salaries. If we can make this happen, this could have us thousands of pounds every year. The location that has a good labour force is location D. This is truly the best location so I am considering of buying this. And the location that has done not so well in this important category was location A. Evaluation: In my opinion and my research I think that Location C is the best location because the cost of the land is really good, there is plenty of cheap labour, it scored top on the environmental factors and it almost came top in setting up. But two main things that it lacks is the mileage as it is very far from motorways and the accessibility is not good at all.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Writing Bad News Messages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Writing Bad News Messages - Essay Example The problem is of the present incapacity of Quality Constructions as almost all of the work force is engaged in the ongoing projects. The organization is currently dealing with several pipeline projects and it is not in a position to participate in any new nonprofit projects. What I can assure is that our organization can definitely accommodate such programs like yours in the future. It is just the matter of time as we will be able to engage in such collaborative projects. It is our company’s policy that we do not take on additional projects until and unless our current projects are in their conclusion phase. We do what we can do right and for that reason I would suggest you to wait for some time, until our organization is well prepared to acquire Collaborative Peace. I will write to you shortly to inform you of our teams’ availability. I would like to reiterate my gratitude for your interest to work with us on the project. I assure that I will be working on Collaborative Peace to get it partnered to Quality Construction
Friday, September 27, 2019
The French New Wave is about Breaking the Rules Essay
The French New Wave is about Breaking the Rules - Essay Example They were using portable instruments. This meant that they needed very little or no time to set up. Their films resembled documentaries in style. Filming skills and techniques involved discontinuous and fragmented editing. The socio-economic effects of the Second World War influenced the formation of this movement (Bazin, 1985, 248-259). France was politically and financially drained; therefore, the country tended to go back to the old pre-war traditions (Klin, 1992, 8). One of those old traditions was going back to the classical French film which was narrative cinema. In this style, the audience was subjected to a forceful plot-line. Some referred to it as a dictatorial plot-line. According to Klin, the new wave was against the quality of cinema in France. French classical cinema was considered to be of high –minded type and which was unmoved by critics (1992, 8). The French new wave was popular between 1959 and 1964. The new wave directors had to study the work done by western classics. The emerging group then applied a new avant garde stylistic direction. This ended up being a low budget approach. One of its advantages was that it helped the filmmakers get at the necessary art form. They were able to develop what they considered a more authentic and honest production (Bazin, 1985, 248-259). Howard Hawks and Charlie Chaplin among many other great film makers were held in high regard and considered as forward-thinking film makers. There was a craving among the younger generation to have another kind of entertainment. They knew that the process of executing change was not going to be easy. This is because they had to challenge the status quo (Bazin, 1985, 248-259). Generally speaking, some traditions had to be broken. Many of French new wave films were shot using a director’s friends as crew and cast. They were also shot in friends†™ apartments. This is because they were under tight budgets. Tracking shots were improvised from shopping carts. Many other types of equipment have to be improvised (Klin, 1992, 8). Trying to make the movies stylish was a challenge. This is because the cost of production was a major concern. For instance, Jean-Luc production ‘breathness’ had to be cut short by one and half hours. This is because it was too long. Several scenes had to be removed, and jump cuts had to be made. The desire to make the film stylish brought a new look into the movie industry. The dialogue was improvised and shots could go beyond 180 ° axis. Besides, rapid changes were made in scenes. This was a break from the past. The expectations of the cinema were fully met. Long narratives and illusions were being replaced by bold techniques (Bazin, 1985, 248-259). This caused Jean-Luc to be accused of being contemptuous of his audience. This was a desperate and relentless struggle to break from the m ainstream cinema. It was about breaking the set cinema rules (Klin, 1992, 8). The challenging awareness that was demonstrated back then can be seen today. That was remarkable. The practice of a character stepping out of their place or role to address the audience is now a common thing. This was innovated back then. The French new wave also wanted to attach the naivety in the cinema industry back then. Classic French cinemas kept to the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Gender Portrayal in the Film Bad Guy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Gender Portrayal in the Film Bad Guy - Essay Example It starts by a guy (Han-Ki) spotting a young lady (Sun-Hwa) sited on a bench across the street and decides to sit beside her. His constant glare towards her makes her uncomfortable and she sees it as rude. She moves away from her and runs to greet her boyfriend. The man grabs her and forcefully kisses her, the witnessing soldiers intervene beats up this guy. She demands an apology, but the guy remains adamant. It leads to her spitting on him, introducing the hidden desire for obsession and vengeance in motion. It is revealed later that the impetuous, quiet gangster is a pimp. Later, the young girl in the street is implicated in a cash theft which lands her in a brothel. It would be unwise to assume that the theme of Bad Guy is about revenge; the plot revolves around the escapades between captor and captive and the director Kim seems not to be arriving at a particular theme. The beguilingly and controversial climax of the film leaves viewers with hard questions to ponder. Therefore, Bad Guy can be termed as an enigmatic piece of work displaying the common issues affecting the society inclusive of race and gender themes. Kim Ki-duk is known as one of the prolific directors in Korea. He is majorly recognized as a remarkable movie producer outside Korea with his movies receiving a number of international awards. For example, the film Samaritan Girl (2004) has gotten him a prestigious international award for best director in the Silver Bear awards. It is fascinating that despite Kim Ki-duk’s international identification as a leading movie director in Korea, back in South Korea his reputation is mixed with many controversies. He has many discontented detractors and a small flock of enthusiastic supporters. He is well reckoned for his unreserved and painterly images.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Principles of autonomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Principles of autonomy - Essay Example In this regard, autonomy dos not license patients to make any detrimental decisions that would hurt them, the family or the society. The idea of autonomy is banked upon the fact that people have different views regarding their health, religion, and cultural issues. In this regard, the principle expects that autonomous decisions maximize the welfare of the patients. It is worth noting that patients are supported by family members and other people in the community. As a result, they expect positive health outcomes. It is unethical to betray the expectation of other people by making unwise decisions. Family members are a particularly concerned about the progress of their patient and hence it would be unfair to them, both emotionally and financially, to make decisions that harm their health. The harmful acts may also require additional treatment and care; a fact that would add on to the cost of healthcare and reduce the recovery time. Thus, patients must consider the impact of their autonomous decisions on others before taking
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Architecture, law and politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Architecture, law and politics - Essay Example The obvious mistake in public housing over the last fifty years overshadows the occasional and long honored history of architect’s participation in social housing. Seventy percent of the cost of a new building is influenced by planning and design (Muir, 2013). Careful planning and sensitive design that save even the ten percent of those costs can reduce the monthly payments by over one hundred euros. Although any single design decision is not likely to yield dramatic savings and improved quality, thoughtful unit planning will. For instance, a social housing plan that does not utilize the space efficiently may call for long hallways, which add little to the dwelling and costs money to construct. Additionally, they need to be lighted and heated, an ongoing expense for the occupants of the social housing. For all that one might save by utilizing materials of poor quality and scrimping on space, such short-sighted penny-wise attitudes are ultimately costly both economically and so cially.  United Kingdom’s contemporary social housing can be tracked back to humanitarian responses to the overcrowding upon industrialization and urbanization of Britain in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Outbreaks of cholera in the 1830s, 1840s, and 1850s significantly led to the creation of social settlement. Added with the release of a report on the Sanitary Condition of the Laboring Population of Great Britain by Chadwick in 1842 established the powerful direct adverse impact of industrialization on population health.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Changing organizations is as messy as it is exhilarating, as Essay
Changing organizations is as messy as it is exhilarating, as frustrating as it is satisfying, as muddling-through and creative a process as it is a rational one - Essay Example Main objective of change management is to increase profitability and decrease impediments (Blokdijk, 2008, p. 43). Organizations commit different types of changes such as substantial, transformational and incremental. In 2005, Research scholars have pointed out that changes can be broadly dissected into three parts such as strategic, tactical and operational (DuBrin, 2011, pp. 117-119). Study shows that companies can decide to go through change management process in order to address various external factors like changing purchasing behaviour of customers, need of implanting latest technology in order to retain competitive position in the market, fluctuation in supply and demand while other organizations feel the urge of change management in order to address internal factors like value chain integration, corporate restructuring, product market strategy etc. At some point of time all the organizations face the urge of changing existing corporate structure, human resource strategy or bu siness process. In 1996, Kotter has pointed out that although many organizations fail to incorporate change successfully but still it is the most significant issue for an organization (Kotter, 1996). This study is influenced by exhilarating nature of change process. Organizations need to uproot many of the existing systems ruthlessly in order to make room for change process hence the essay will try to shed some lights on various aspects of organisational dynamics in order to interpret role of organization dynamics in strategic change management. The study will analyze various organizations on the ground of threats, opportunities, context and emerging issues of strategic change management. It is evident from current practices that implementing change in business process is challenging task for organizations hence the essay will miss a great opportunity if it fails shed light on challenges associated with change management process. Challenges come in triplet structure
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Accounting Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Accounting Research - Essay Example Considering fairness as an integral part of management accounting, it is basically divided into two forms that include formal and informal fairness. In this regard, formal fairness takes into concern the design of management accounting system. Furthermore, it basically frames an effective structure for the managers who require setting up their predetermined goals along with budgets. It can be affirmed that the notion of formal fairness monitors the performances of the managers and delivers rewards accordingly (Matlala1-82). Conversely, informal fairness mainly entails the process through which the managers apply to execute the management accounting system. Fairness, as a valuable area of management frames various contributing factors that assist in ascertaining effectiveness of diverse organizations. According to various observations, it can be analyzed that fairness is basically taken into concern as the perception related to organizational justice. This particular area of managemen t accounting research i.e. fairness is quite interesting owing to the reason that justice along with fairness depicts proper functioning of organizational activities at large. According to recent observations, fairness is associated with the facet of controllability, which is mainly considered as an objective. It has been viewed that depending on the reports related to distribution of awards and performance, incentives are equally distributed amidst the employees. Furthermore, fairness can also be achieved by considering the equal pay and awards amidst the employees. In this context, a relationship can be formed between fair judgment and equity. By providing fair treatment to the employees, the management ensures optimum concentration of the employees. Furthermore, on receiving equal payment and awards, retention rate of the employees accelerates towards the accomplishment of organizational
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Theories of communication Essay Example for Free
Theories of communication Essay Theories of communication Argyles theory of communication is a cycle of six concepts, which repeats its self through every conversation, emailing, phone call, and text, through all the ways we communicate. The 6 following steps are: An idea occurs-A thought goes through your head. Example: A midwife thinking to tell a student midwife to go and do the observations on the patient that has just come in Message coded- turning your thoughts and feelings in to communication thinking about Your body posture, tone of voice, body language, gestures, pictures, writing and posture. Example- the midwife now needs to think how to say to the student midwife she needs to do the observations and how she is going to come across, like her tone of voice, her facial expressions, body language , does she need to write it and her posture. Message sent- have communicated what you want to say. Example- The midwife has now told the student midwife to go and do observations on the lady that has come in, the way she wanted to come across. Message received- is when the person or audience has received what the sender had tried to communicate. Example- The student midwife has received what the midwife has communicated. Message decoded- now they have to take what has been said and try to decode it so they understand what they have communicated. Example- the student midwife is now trying to understand and decode what the midwife has said about doing observations on the patient that has just come in. Message understood- the audience or the person targeted at has understood what has been communicated. Example- the student midwife has understood that she needs to go and do the observations on the patient that has just come in. This works with a response as well for example: Idea occurs- thinking of a response- example: the student midwife is thinking of a response to say to the midwife. Message coded- thinking how you are going to communicate your response- Example-student midwife thinks how she is going to communicate her response. Message sent- you have communicated your response- Example- The student midwife has communicated what she wants to say to the midwife. Message received- the response has been received- example- The midwife has received the student midwife’s response Message decoded- take the response and try to understand it, attempt to decode it- Example – the midwife now needs to decode what the student midwife has said so she can understand it. Message understood- they have understood the response- Example- the midwife has understood the student midwife will go and do the observations on the patient that has just come in. Bruce Tuckman’s 1965. Forming, storming, norming and performing- team development model Bruce Tuckman’s theory was a helpful explanation of team development and behaviour. He believed that there was stages when a team come together and they was the forming, storming, norming, and performing there is also adjourning and transforming also known as the mourning stage These stages worked like this: The first stage is forming and this was the team being assembled, at the beginning each individual tend to behave independently, until they start shaping in to a team. The team is coming together and trying to figure out why they are there or what they have to do. They spend time collecting information and bonding. The second stage is the storming stage, in this stage the team are aware of the task and begin to suggest different ideas and what they are going to do and how it works. This is just the stage of ideas and talking about the task. This is also when a team leader may be formed to lead the group. Time is spent addressing the task working out what they have to do and then brainstorming all their ideas for the task. The third stage is the norming stage, this is where the team finish the storming stage and move towards working on the task after putting all their ideas together and agreeing on what they are going to do and work out an effective plan, allowing the contribution of each member. At this point team leader can also take a step back as each individual team member takes more responsibility. In this stage time is used putting ideas together and agreeing and moving towards working on the task. The fourth stage is the performing, performing their ideas to complete the task given and have a final piece, this is the bit where they actually do it and try to complete it. The time is spent completing the task, working together. The last stage is the adjourning and transforming also known as mourning. This is the final stage; this is the breakup of the team, where the team leave as they have completed the task given. Example of Bruce Tuckman’s theory: classroom of year ones on their 1st day. The year ones have been put into a group, this is where they meet and talk for the first time, this would be the forming stage, as the group is being formed and shaped. The teacher then gave them a task. Each child had to give an idea to help to complete the task, this is the storming stage as different ideas where put together to help complete the task. The year ones then had to decide all together what ideas they liked and agree on which one they was going to use for the task, this is the norming stage where they all decide and agree and start to work on the task, also having to agree on the rules which is given for the task. The fifth stage is the performing stage where they all perform the task given and the decisions are collaborative for the final piece. The final stage is the adjourning and transforming stage where the children go home after completing their task and the group is broken up as the task is now finished.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Impact Of Leadership Styles
The Impact Of Leadership Styles Leadership styles Leaders have their own style, which is fine if they can find a situation that requires that style of leadership. Being able to adapt the leadership style according to the situation and the state of the grope or team are flexible leadership example: taking charge when a team is forming but playing the role of coach when a team is managing itself well. One the fundamental principle of leadership style is to change according to the circumstances such as Situational Leadership (develop by Blanchard and Hersey in the late 1960s). According to Hersey and Blanchard, a leader is concerned with the task to be performed and with building relations with his employees. A leader may focus on work, building a team or building relationship with his or her employees, according to a combination of all these concerns Hersey and Blanchard proposed four leadership styles. Style 1 Indicating high concern for the task and low concern for people. Style 2 Showing High Concern for Task and People. Style 3 Having high concern for people and low for the task. Style 4 Indicating Low Concern for the task and Low Concern for people. According to them all the classified four styles are functional; it is according to their relevance situation that is important. Leadership styles in the situational model can be classified according to the amount of task and relationship behavior the leader engages in. Task related behavior also known as Regulating behavior since a leaders behavior revolves on regulating his or her group members and their task completion, other leaders concentrate on building personal relationship, which is called nurturing behavior. Regulating Behavior A Leader engages in one-way communication , who gives clear instructions of group roles and informs the group members what to do, where to do, and how to do, and closely supervises their activities and performance. Structure, Control, Supervise are the regular behavior of the leaders. Nurturing Behavior A Leader who engages in dual communication he who listens, provides support and encouragement, facilitates, interaction and involves the group in decision making. Praise, Listen, and Facilitate these are the regular behavior of the leaders Source (Pareek, 2007). Transformational versus Transactional leadership Achieving the current objectives efficiently by helping the organization by clarifying the needs and desires of the employee is known as transactional leadership. This type of leadership behavior improves employees performance and satisfaction. The transactional leaders focus on running the organization smoothly and efficiently. The transactional leader creates a clear structure and clear instructions to his or her subordinates regarding their work and rewards subsequently. Punishment is understood since it is not mentioned .The discipline system is usually in place. This type of leadership is a popular approach with the most of the managers. Transformational leadership have the ability to change the vision, strategy and culture of the organization based on personal values, beliefs, and qualities, Transformational leadership enable the followers to become leaders. Transformational leadership go beyond the immediate task that is the functions build the competencies of individuals and group and enable them to achieve targets that the organization or the individual would have not expected to achieve. Transformational leadership change the organizations strategies and culture so they are successful with the surrounding environment, they are the changed agents who show the direction to the employees to a new set of organizational values and behaviors. Empowering, risk taking clarity of mission, team building, equanimity, and evolving trust are few of the characteristics of transformational leaders Source (Theory of Transformational LeadershipRedux, Winter 1995). Transformational versus charismatic leadership Many researches do indicate that the two types of leadership as essentially equivalent, some others theorists say they are distinct and few other scholars say charismatic leadership is an ingredient of transformational leadership or charismatic leadership is the highest degree of transformational leadership. The third group of scholars separate charismatic leadership from transformational leadership. They say charisma is a personal trait referent power over followers, whereas transformational leadership is a set of behaviors that people use to lead the change process. Transformational leadership enables the followers to become leaders. Charismatic leaders are also known as heroic leaders by some of the research; they build allegiance in followers but do not necessarily change the organization. They use the power to serve others, they consider and learn from criticism and also they encourage followers to question leaders view. In many theories the leadership behaviors of charismatic a nd transformational leadership appear to be similar with very few important differences is evident as well. Transformational leaders will be doing lots of work which will make the employees more dependent on the leaders such as developing followers skill and self-confident, giving information to sensitive information and decentralizing the authorities. Transformational leaders at any level in any organization can easily be determined according to Bass since this type of leadership is globally relevant for very situation. Charismatic leaders are more proactive, do more things that creates an image of extraordinary competence for the leaders such as restricting information, risk taking and unconventional behavior. Charismatic leaders are rare, and appear to be more dependent only on favorable conditions in an organization and these leaders are very common for new organizations as visionary entrepreneurs or reformers. Charismatic leaders are usually more extreme Source (House, et al., 1994), (Avolio, et al., 1985). Distinguishing characteristics of charismatic and Non charismatic Leaders Non Charismatic Leaders Charismatic Leaders Likableness Likable leaders have shared perspective Idealized Vision and an honorable hero makes leader liable. Trustworthiness Disinterested advocacy in persuasion attempts. Leaders are passionate advocacy by taking personal risk. Relation to status quo Status quo is being maintained. Change of atmosphere is being created. Future Goals Goals are limited with very few discrepant from status quo. Vision of Idea which is highly discrepant from status quo. Articulation Articulation is weak in goals and motivation to lead. Motivation to lead and articulation of vision is very strong. Competence To achieve goals within framework of existing order with available means. Unconventional means is used to transcend the existing order. Behavior Conventional Unconventional Source: Conger, et al., 1998 Characteristics of Three Styles of Leadership Authoritarian or Autocratic This style is used when leaders take decisions from their position, control of rewards and coercion. The autocratic leaders group performance is almost good since they are characterized by positive feelings. This type of style can be used when you have all the information to solve problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated. From the experiments of Lewis et al. it was found that this style resulted in very high level of discontent. Some leaders tend to think of this style as a tool for abusing, using unprofessional language, and leading by threats and abusing their power. This is not the authoritarian style, bossing people around. It has no place in a leaders repertoire. The authoritarian style should only be used occasions Source (Patterns of Aggressive Behavior in Experimentally Created Social Climates, 1939). Participative (Democratic) Democratic leader involve their people (one or more employees) in decision making (determining what to do and how to do it) encourages participation and depends on subordinates respect for influence, this style of leadership partly explains the reason for empowerment of employees. The group members of a democratic leader perform well even when the leader is absent. However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority. Employees usually like democratic decision making, it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect. Democratic leadership however will find it difficult when options differ and it will difficult to arrive at a final decision. By this style is of mutual understanding it allows the employees to become part of the team and allows the leader to make better decisions Source (Field Theory and Experiment in Social Psychology Concepts and Method, 1939). Laissez-faire In this style, the leader has a minimum involvement in decision making; the leader allows the employees to make the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is successful when the employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it, and where there is no requirement for a centralized coordination. This is not a style to use so that you can blame others when things go wrong, rather this is a style to be used when you fully trust and confidence in the people below you. It was discovered by Lewin et al. that the democratic style was the most effective style of leadership. A good leader uses all three styles, depending on what forces are involved between the followers, the leader, and the situation. Some examples include, using an authoritarian style on a new employee who is just learning the job. The leader is competent and a good coach. The employee is motivated to learn a new skill. The situa tion is a new environment for the employee. The leader knows the problem, but does not have all the information. The employees know their jobs and want to become part of the team. You cannot do everything and the employee needs to take ownership of her job! In addition, this allows you to be at other places, doing other things Source (Pareek, 2007). The Impact of Leadership in Organizations The leadership has the ability to motivate and influence other leaders and the employees to achieve organizational goals through process of change. So are all the leaders are good and effective? Should all the organizations adopt a single approach to leadership? To analysis this leadership there is three types, which are individual leadership, group leadership and organizational leadership. Each of these types of leadership has a tremendous impact on how leaders are classified and viewed. The leadership theories revolve around describing traits of a leader, however, however the modern theories have tried to explain the impact through behavioral approaches. Motivation and process theories were later developed to determine the relationship and affect a leader had on the individual and group within an organization. Training has development has been a prominent development in the world of Organizational Behavior (OB) as organizations sought innovative methods for feedback and to regenerate their culture. This type of practiced has positively affected many organizations, the short-term results of coaching has given insight view of level 3 leadership which has been incorporated by both transactional and transformational leadership styles, however for organizations to achieve prominence and market share in their respective industry further development of leaders to a Level 5 leadership style was required. As the hierarchy in leadership position, power, control and achievement grew with the leaders success, some well known companies such as GE under the leadership of Jack Welch found themselves in the search of true leaders. It will be demonstrated that although such a leader may be detrimental to the organization, narcissistic leaders have also proven vital to the revival of these same organizations. Future planning is very important in the long-term growth of an organization in order to retain and attract the new leaders of tomorrow. Organizations need to be constant in terms of direction and control an effective leader has influenced in the past, and effective planning for the future leaders to continue the successful organization. The ever growing challenges that leaders face in the changing environment and coping with such difficult tasks such as interface management, change management, knowledge management and group dynamics within projects has been a task to balance and overcome. An effective leader increases the positive emotions within their organizations, they choose to do so a clear and compelling vision, but also have deep personal humility and an intense professional will Source (Sturek, 2005). Conclusions Leadership is a complex concept that has clearly demonstrated that developmental style is the most desirable style and it is associated with creation of empowerment, growth, learning, morale and satisfaction on the part of the employees. In Common terms this style creates resonance while the critical climate creates dissonance. In future the leadership programs should concentrate on the developmental style as a desirable style. This results in indicating the potential of all the situations chosen in predicting the leadership style. The style of leadership gets noticed consistently in most of the situation. Leadership style based feedback should perhaps focus on this in future.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Karl Marx and His Beliefs About Society Essay -- Karl Marx Philosophy
Karl Marx and His Beliefs About Society In the beginning of the nineteenth century, several aspects of life were coming together for those that lived in Europe, and especially for those that lived in England. The Scientific Revolution had ended in the late seventeenth century; consequently, leaving the lingering aspects of science as a proven way to show that some ideologies of the Catholic Church were incorrect. The Enlightenment of the late eighteenth century had caused all of England and Europe to decide where to let their lives lead them in terms of faith; either towards Christianity, or towards Protestantism. The final time period that had a major impact on the English and European society was the Industrial Revolution, which introduced new ways to make life easier in terms of the production of goods, and make life as simple as possible. These three main time periods gave Karl Marx the reason and drive to reform the way that society was run, as shown in the words that he wrote in the Communist Manifesto pertainin g to the life of the individual in terms of faith. The society in the time of Marx’s writing dealt with many past events in which their faith and social standing was questioned. The latter part of the Scientific Revolution, around the middle of the seventeenth century, greatly influenced a change in faith with the public as a whole due to the new developments brought about by scientists. Up to that point, the Church, which controlled the thought process of Europe throughout most of the previous centuries, had not ever really been challenged in terms of the theories taught. The Church said that Earth was the center of the universe, whereas philosophers, such as Copernicus and Galileo, proved oth... ... was ready to change the way life was lived. Endnotes: 1. Paulos Mar Gregorios, A Light Too Bright the Enlightenment Today: An Assessment of the Values of the European Enlightenment and a Search for New Foundations (New York: State University of New York Press/ Albany, 1992), 7. 2. Peter Gilmour, Philosophers of the Enlightenment, (Trenton: Barnes and Noble, 1990), 133-134. 3. Colin Gunton, Enlightenment and Alienation: An Essay Towards Trinitarian Theology (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1985), 125. 4. UD Humanities Document Binder, Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848), 41, 52. 5. UD, 41,53. 6. Alvin Plantinga, Warranted Christian Belief, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), 141. 7. Plantinga, 367. 8. UD, 41, 52.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Burden of Prejudice and Racism :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
The Burden of Racism The sizzling streams of sunlight were just beautifully glimmering down on the crisp green school yard. Such a wonderful day that was. Nothing could have ruined it. Little Jimmy, since it was such a wonderful day decided to go to the corner store and buy himself a little treat. As little Jimmy started walking over to the store, clouds flocked over the dazzling sun and the sudden pitch dark meant no trouble. On the other side of the road were three white boys from Jimmy's same school. Upon recognizing Jimmy, the boys ran over the street to where he was. "Hey Negro, what's up?", one of the white Boy said. "Did your mamma pack you enough to eat to-day?", another hooted. "Just leave me alone.", Little Jimmy said "Oh no, Jimmy's really getting pist off!?", the first boy retaliated. "Just shove off and let me be," Jimmy answered. "Now you’re gonna die, Nigger", one of the white Boy said. It is like this everyday, everywhere, and everytime, people suffer discrimination. All because they have differences amongst each other. Different beliefs, different cultures, different skin colour, all of these act like building blocks to help construct what we know as Racism. Racism has become one of the many burdens amongst multi-cultural worlds like Canada and the States. Racism is a part of each and every one of us. No doubt, we are all racist, but this the term racism has been used too loosely. Racism has been mutated to such an extent that it could be a reason for war, a symbol of terrorism, and even an excuse for neglecting. Is that all there is to it? No, actually it is just the beginning. Racism is just like warfare in which there is no shelter and nobody is neutral. Nobody is exempt from this demon. He has haunted us with a bitter curse. On one occasion I remember, nobody would play with me at school. I would walk around by myself and ask people if we could play together. Everywhere that I went, like the process of induction, everyone would avoid me. Like two inducted poles with the same polarity, they would just shimmer off into the distance and continue to do whatever they're doing. Because of racial differences, they neglect me. People are afraid of the unknown, and it is this difference amongst people that spread rumors and distrust amongst people. Corrupting our thoughts and reasons, we get accustomed to thinking differences are omens. Amongst smaller kids, there is no difficulty in getting them to all play together.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
How does art change your perception of a metaphysical concept? :: essays research papers
Death is a metaphysical concept that is abstract and theoretical in composition, but doesn’t embody a material form. From person to person, there are a vast array of interpretations of what death is and what it means to each individual. There is no single universal understanding of what death is, since it doesn’t embody any physical characteristics. I am the kind of person whose opinions are very easily influenced. Whenever I read a book, listen to a song, watch a movie, or look at artwork containing a strong message, my opinions (mainly metaphysical ones) are greatly impacted. Death is a topic everyone will witness countless times during his or her lifetime. Death of loved ones’, animals, or strangers are just few examples of experiences that can mold one’s impression of death. Since I am rather young, I have only truly experienced death on few occasions. One of which was the death of my grandfather. He was in a lot of pain and was bedridden for months. For him, death was almost inevitable and was an answer to the pain he was feeling. I’m not 100% definite how I personally perceive death, but because of my grandfather, I always think of death as being imperative, yet inevitable. I have a great fear for death, because I know how much pain it causes loved ones. When I was in my 9th grade Spanish class, I remember watching an informational movie on the art of bullfighting. A man dressed up in brightly colored clothes chases a bull around the ring, and tries to lodge a spiked instrument into his shoulder blade, and inevitably, kill him. Hundreds of people around the world congregate in Spain to witness this spectacle of death. In this art form, death is put on stage as a light-hearted form of entertainment. After I witnessed this very controversial art form, my perception of death was affected, and I started to perceive death as being more light-hearted, however I still don’t believe it ethical to gain entertainment from it. I now also perceive death as being almost graceful and serene. This type of art portrays death as un-daunting and I am not as fearful of it after I watched it. â€Å"Gassing†by David Olere is a chilling representation of a gas chamber during the time of the holocaust. When I first saw this, the hair on my arms immediately stood straight up.
How do terrorist organizations succeed
Terrorism seeks to unify their population to the goal objectives and principles to stop hangs being caused by the government or outsiders or to institute their values and culture. Some terrorist groups based on religion like AH Qaeda have clear stated goals like driving out IIS troops or the destruction of another country that is not of their religion, like Israel. Attacks on property and using tampering hoaxes to cause expensive recalls of some products in the US is terrorism hitting at a target group economically.Terrorist groups may have more limited objectives that guide their actions or which they seek to achieve. These shorter term goals, of course, could aid the group in terms of achieving longer term objectives, and consider its performance to be successful if they simply survive to continue to pursue their longer term goals (Hoffman, 2002, p. 31 1 Just the perception that violence can work is enough as long as groups believe that such-?even if they are wrong-?they will be te mpted to adopt the technique in pursuance of their goals (Lutz, 2014, p. 17). Sing the information above of current terrorist activities a comparison to Strategic Quality Management may reveal why terrorist organizations succeed. There are five main variables in SUM with many parts, Purpose, Principles, Processes, People, and Performance. Five Up's of Terrorism Purpose: to pursue an objective through some form of violence to induce fear in an opponent. Terrorism requires some degree of secrecy in its preparation, as the inducement of fear is typically predicated on the element of surprise, but once the organization strikes public exposure is desired. Reminisces: As funny as this is going to sound the intellectual roots Of terrorism lie in three philosophical ideas which, ironically, are peculiarly Western: popular sovereignty, self-determination and ethical consequentiality (Phillips, 2014). Processes: Various strategies that may include political and reformist actions, cultural str uggle, strengthening of the community of believers, and through missionary work. If violence is not part this process it is not terrorism. People: Because anyone who believes in the principles and purpose of a terrorism group for whatever reason is why the group can be consistently effective.These people in their own working in their culture are not bad. It is very simple: if Robin Hood steals and keeps all the goodies, then it is a crime If Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives the goodies to the poor, then he would be a terrorist to one side and a hero to the other side. Performance: Performance is based on the purpose of each organization. From performance to purpose represents the feedback mechanism for guiding an organization toward their objectives (Prior, White, & Tombs, 2007, up. 1-5). With terrorist groups after action the objective may not be reached, but any results still works in their favor.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Relationships in Margaret Laurence’s “The Stone Angel†Essay
In Margaret Laurence’s novel, The Stone Angel, Hagar Shipley experiences many different relationships. The key relationships in her life are all with men; her respectful but cold relationship with her father, her impersonal relationship with her husband Bram Shipley, her one-sided, protective relationship with John, and her distant but ultimately redeemed relationship with Marvin are each important aspects of her life. Hagar’s first key relationship is with her father, Jason Currie. This relationship has its basis in mutual respect. Hagar has tremendous respect for her father as a child; she admires his ability to make his own life as a successful storeowner by rising above his initial state of poverty and going from nothing to something. She admires this ability because it shows a sense of perseverance and determination that she herself values. Additionally, it is crucial to her respect that he achieves his standing in life through his strong-will; he made it in life by being strong and forceful rather than by putting his emphasis on emotions. This strong-willed personality and unwillingness to show a form of weakness through emotions – forms of pride – become cornerstones of Hagar’s own character. Indeed, the key factor in the relationship between Hagar and her father is that they have a similar personality. Both insist on proving their strength and pride, stopping eit her of them from being able to connect to the other on an emotional level. This pride is evident in her father’s punishment of her when she tells a customer that there are bugs in his store as a child; he clearly takes great pride in his work. Hagar too is proud, to the point of resisting her need to cry when her father hits her. She gains his resolve to put forth the image of strength at all times and to mask her vulnerability with pride. This form of strength leads Jason to carry respect for Hagar as well. She wants to please him, yet this similarity in their personalities is the very thing that destroys their relationship. They are constantly at odds with one another because she has in many ways turned herself into him, and the character trait of stubbornness is one that can be particularly hindering when neither side is willing to give in to the other. He wishes to control Hagar’s life, and as both are stubborn and independent, he cannot possibly succeed and ultimately does not. His attempts to control her life by determining whom she will date only strengthen Hagar’s need to rebel and to prove herself, which leads to the final crack in their relationship: her choice to marry Bram – the person her father least approves of. This act of rebellion shows her need to prove her independence to her father, and her reaction to his insistence that she will not marry Bram only strengthens her belief that she must do so. When she does leave with him, the relationship between father and daughter effectively ends, as neither side contacts the other. When Jason dies, he does not even leave the store to her. Despite their lack of communication, Hagar still respects her father. This respect is evident in that she is deeply offended when Bram urinates on the steps to her father’s store. It is perhaps most apparent in her narration; years after losing contact with him, she still holds him in esteem and sees him as a model for her own life. Nevertheless, the relationship is a failure because neither Jason nor Hagar is willing to allow his emotions to take precedence over his pride. Clearly, their similarities are such that their relationship is unable to succeed unless one is willing to give in to the other â€⠀œ an art that neither Hagar nor Jason is particularly proficient in. After Hagar leaves her childhood behind she goes to finishing school and her return to Manawaka allows her to meet Brampton Shipley. Her impersonal, bickering and sexual relationship with Bram, although ultimately a failure, is a key one in her life. At first, Hagar is attracted to Bram’s physical appearance as well as his personality – which sharply contrasts her own. Hagar is also initially attracted to his lack of expression of true emotion. Bram is tall, dark and handsome, but also reveals a gruff and wild personality, which allows him to do and say what he wants without being mindful how society judges him. However, Hagar is quite mindful of social status, which makes her more conservative and more polite than Bram. Although these opposing personalities ultimately attract them to each other, they become the main part of the wedge that drives them apart. Another part of this wedge between Hagar and Bram is Hagar’s refusal to open up to him and display her lov e of him or even of their sex life. Some of Hagar’s refusal to open up stems from her fear of being hurt if she does, and some of it stems from the circumstances under which she and Bram were married. Like Hagar, her father was also a socially conscience man and he refused to let his daughter marry a common farmer. Part of Hagar agreed to marry Bram simply to spite her father. All of these circumstances lead to a change in Hagar’s relationship with Bram. Hagar grows tired of the uncouth family dinners, of watching Bram blow his nose with his fingers, and of watching him subject their children to the same wild manner. When their opposing personalities stop being attractive to one another and it becomes clear that it is an emotionless and unhappy relationship, she takes her son John and leaves him. He does not even try to stop her. Such an impersonal parting indicates that the relationship ended in failure and Hagar is ultimately responsible for this failure. She is the one that refuses to share emotion with him, she is the one who is overly critical of him, and she is the one who leaves him. Bram’s only responsibility in the failure of their relationship is that he does not change and eventually gives up. Hagar’s s one-sided relationship with John is the only one in which she shows love. Hagar unquestionably loves John, and offers herself emotionally to him alone. She pours everything into John, leaving little love for anyone else in her life. John does not appreciate his mother’s love as much as he perhaps should, and he is frustrated by her nagging more than he is appreciative of her love. Despite this lack of appreciation, Hagar continues to direct all of her energy into raising John. She is quite controlling, and attempts to run every part of his life – a remnant of her own relationship with her father. Hagar’s constant badgering and nagging drive John away from her as her father’s own domineering nature drove her away. Although at first John appreciates her love, the relationship changes as he wishes to grow independent of her and begins to resent her. She still cannot let go – trying to control his relationship with Arlene to no avail. The ultimate fate of this relationship is a failure. In spite of his mother, John goes drinking and takes up a dare to cross an old train bridge in his truck. An unexpected freight train crashed into his truck and he dies shortly after with his mother by his side in the hospital. John’s death marks the abrupt end of their relationship; nothing can be done on Hagar’s part to reconcile with him. John’s rejection of his mother’s love changes her more than he knows. Since she has put everything into her love of him and he has died a vain death in spite of her, Hagar becomes the stone angel herself – emotionally blind and unfeeling, and unwilling to subject herself to the pain that love brings again. The blame for the failure of this relationship can be placed on both parties: Hagar for placing unreasonably high expectations on John and overly controlling him, and John for rejecting that love and betraying the care she has placed in him in order to es cape her love and be an individual. Hagar’s relationship with Marvin is both greatly in contrast to her relationship with John and largely the result of its failure. Where her relationship with John was intimate, her relationship with Marvin is distant. Where she was openly loving and nurturing to John, she is closed off and sharply critical of Marvin. Like her relationship with John, Hagar’s relationship with Marvin is one-sided for the most part, but Marvin shows emotion for Hagar in this case, and not vice versa. This different treatment of Marvin can be partly attributed to the circumstances surrounding her relationship with John. Hagar has always favored John because he reminds her more of her father – whom she respects – than Marvin did. Indeed, Marvin’s wit, perceived by her to be slow was more like that of Bram. Hagar places so much of her emotions and love into John that it is unsurprising that Marvin is always found wanting in her eyes by comparison. When he tries to impress her by cleaning the house, she criticizes him rather than appreciating him as she might have if it were John. When he prepares to go off to war, Hagar misses another key moment to connect with Marvin. She might not see him again and wants to warn him, to comfort him and to express her feelings toward him, but she cannot; she is afraid to reveal her emotions. He wishes to express his feelings, but is also unable to do so because of his timidity. Indeed, the path their relationship takes is determined as much, if not more, by personalities than it is by circumstances. Hagar’s personality is such that she takes great pride in strength and resourcefulness – qualities she finds Marvin to lack. Her inability to express herself emotionally is both a key part of her personality and the driving force behind her many wasted opportunities with Marvin – who needs the very level of acceptance from Hagar that she cannot provide. Despite this failure in the relationship early on, however, Hagar’s epiphany before dying changes the course of it and determines its ultimate success or failure. Realizing that she has never simply rejoiced and accepted the love she has been surrounded with, she gives Marvin the acceptance he has always needed by telling him that he has been a better son to her than John has. The early failure of their relationship can be attributed exclusively to Hagar; she has the wrong expectations of him and sinks so much love into her ultimately failed relationship with John that she neglects Marvin. In the end though, Hagar is also responsible for the relative success or at least redemption of their relationship. Her choice to make their last moments together worthwhile rather than another wasted opportunity make her relationship with Marvin the most ultimately successful one in her life. In the end, Hagar’s key relationships vary greatly; some are defined by respect and others are defined by a lack of emotion of any kind. Others still find their basis in too much or too little love. Ultimately, Hagar’s achievement of self-realization before her death leads her to redeem at least one of the key relationships in her life – redeeming herself in the process.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Employee Retention and Interviewing Essay
When Southwest Airlines wants to hire employees, they tend to have 142,000 applicants. They obviously want to choose the person who will suit their organizational culture the best. To achieve this objective they need to ask the right questions when interviewing the applicants. These questions should be such that they provide a clear picture as to which applicant will be best for the job and the organization as a whole. You can use behavioral-based job interview questions to help you select superior candidates. Ask interview questions that help you identify whether the candidate has the behaviors, skills, and experience needed for the job you are filling. (Top job interview questions to help you select the Best, Susan M. Heathfield) Before starting the interview the interviewer should describe the essential functions of the job and ask the interviewee if he can perform those functions with or without accommodations. (http://www. alllaw. com/articles/employment/article13. asp) The first competency question should be related to the ability to recruit and interview applicants, ‘how often during your last job did you need to interview applicants and describe a situation in which the first impression of the applicant could have altered your judgment. ’ Through this question the interviewer may get an idea of the prejudices the person might or might not hold. Southwest Airlines need to make sure that their employees do not discriminate against certain races and are able to handle all sorts of situations hands on. The second question is related to the employee’s ability to perform reference checks on potential employees. ‘When a former employer was not willing to provide information about a potential employee, how did you handle the situation and perform the necessary reference check? ’ this question will help the Airlines figure out if the employee is responsible enough to go through the necessary procedure or would overlook some things and carry on. The third question is about the employee’s ability to plan and conduct regularly scheduled organizational orientation programs. Tell me about an incidence where last minute changes were made in the orientation plan, these changes were not known to you. How did you cope with these lat minute changes? ’ this question will help identify the employee’s capabilities in a chaotic situation. For airlines these situations are quite common and such a characteristic will be beneficial for the organization. The fourth question is connected with the employee’s ability to prepare and explain HR policies and procedures. ‘Tell me about a situation where there was a revision in the company policy and the employees did not take the change well. What did you do? This will help the employer or interviewer for Southwest Airlines find out the opinion of the employee about some policies and procedures that may be adopted by the company or already exist within the company. The fifth question is about the employee’s ability to develop and maintain up-to-date job descriptions. ‘How many job descriptions have you developed in your time as an employee here at Southwest and what were some of the major difficulties you faced while carrying out your work? ’ this question will help understand if the employee will be able to assess the applicant’s capabilities and send him to the department that suits him best. The sixth question for the employee should be based on his ability to administer a compensation program and monitor salary increase recommendations to ensure compliance with merit increase guidelines. The question here will be, ‘what is your view on performance appraisals, are they necessary or not, do they motivate employees to do better on the job? ’ This question will help understand what the employee’s are expecting and what benefits they want for the jobs they perform on a weekly or daily basis. By asking these questions from the existing employees, the top management at Southwest Airlines will know the sort of employees who will be screened out from the 142,000 applicants. The number of employees they actually need is 4000, thus the company needs to be careful as to who they hire and retain. By interviewing the interviewers beforehand the organization is making sure they hire the right people. Also, when your interview questions ask the applicant to tell you about behaviors and actions she has actually demonstrated in the past, your selection process will improve.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Discovery Creative Essay
He sat lazily on the cold ceramic tiles of his bedroom, resting his back against the rigid wooden framework of his single bed. With legs outstretched, chest gently dipping up and down and his forehead submissively being supported by his fingertips, Jonas Schmidt reminisced upon the caring and affectionate figure of his father. He reflected upon their journey; a collage of memories flashed through his mind- from the struggle in fleeing Germany and the rise of Nazi power, to the hardships in attaining full Australian citizenship. Seeking refuge in Australia had eventually brought them peace- the beauty of the natural landscape, morphed with the laid-back and generous attitudes of their local community had endowed them with a new life. Together they were ready for a fresh start- until war broke out in 1939. The bloody war. The god-forsaken war. All that remained sat idly in his lap, symbolising the remnants of his father. Slowly, Jonas opened the box; he penetrated into what seemed to be the past, and lifted out the first piece of history – his father’s military uniform. Harold Schmidt wandered into the mess tent of the army base, eager to fit in with the energetic cluster of young Australian men. As he pealed back the doors of the tent, a cacophony of excited noises filled the atmosphere. Thunderous laughter resonated through the room, as men told stories of their past conquests. The clink of mugs echoed, as they acknowledged each other and proceeded to down copious amounts of alcohol. The majority of the men, dressed in the same military uniform as his own, were of the traditional background- broad shoulders, bushy hair and cheesy grins. Ecstatic faces lit up the tent, reminding Harold of the same emotion displayed by his son when they were together. Nervously, he walked up to a group of them, craving to experience the sense of mateship, understanding and acceptance that seemingly emanated from their discussions. Yet at the same time, he was fearful to discover the contrary. â€Å"Hey mate, pull up a chair and join us†, slurred one of the men at the table. â€Å"What’s ya name mate?†â€Å"Er†¦Harold. Harold Smith†, mumbled Harold nervously, not wishing to reveal his German background. The members of the circle eyed him suspiciously; noticing his distinct physical differences and outlandish accent. â€Å"So where ya from?†â€Å"Brisbane†, he lied. The ring of uniforms erupted into laughter. â€Å"Ah mate, don’t worry, there’s no need to lie about anything here†¦right? We’re all friends.†He indicated around the circle: â€Å"Well that’s Buffer, Swarley, Bomber, Richie and Dougie- we’re all mates from before. Oh, and they call me Shelley, after the missus.†Another round of laughter shook the table. â€Å"Anyway, welcome to the gang†, he said. â€Å"We’ll look after you†. Shelley extended his hand forward. â€Å"This is going to be alright†, thought Harold, as he shook the warm and assuring hand of the Australian. Suddenly, the alarm signalled to direct the soldiers to prepare to move out. â€Å"Alright lads!†, yelled Shelley, as they all stood up to leave. â€Å"Let’s kill the flamin’ Jerry and send ‘em back to where they came from!†Harold instantly gulped at the prospect of killing his own kind. Sweat saturated his uniform, as he reluctantly marched out of the tent. Jonas retreated from his dream-like state, pondering the reality of the hallucination. Solemnly, he laid the uniform down on the bed with respect. Suddenly, a flash of metal penetrated his eyes, as a crack of light from behind the curtains illuminated the jagged edges of his father’s war medals. Jonas clutched the remnants of his father firmly in his hand; once again returning to the illusory world†¦ As the lights dimmed, Harold stood apart from his platoon. Rising to the rank of First-Lieutenant, he had almost complete command over a number of his fellow soldiers, including his new-found friends. Despite regretting each time he shot an enemy German, Harold had caught the attention of his superiors. However, it was a completely different story amongst his own people. Even at this military celebration, Harold could feel the cynical gaze of the soldiers infiltrating into his inner being. Buffer, Bomber and Dougie deliberately avoided eye-contact with him. Swarley and Richie refused to sit next to him at the table. Even Shelley eyed him apprehensively; tension developed exponentially between the two former friends. Thus, Harold stood distantly from the group. â€Å"Maybe it’s because I’m an officer now†, he thought. â€Å"Or maybe it’s because they are jealous at my medals. They may have even discovered that I am German-born.†Nevertheless, Haro ld sobbed deeply. He felt lonely. Cursed. Like an outsider. Once again, Jonas withdrew from the vision; his eyes moist, as he expressed sympathy for his father. Delicately, he positioned the medals on top of the chest pocket of the uniform, before reaching into the box once more. His hand brushed the cold crisp metal of the 6-round revolver – the standard-issue side-arm for all officers. His mind drifted away yet again†¦ â€Å"So you’re telling me you’re one of them!†, yelled Shelley, as he stood just centimetres from Harold’s face. Trust. Companionship. Expectations. All broken from the discovery of one word. â€Å"Get off me! That’s an order!†cried Harold, as he clumsily tried to free himself of the fierce headlock that Buffer and Bomber had on him. â€Å"You’ll be court marshalled for subordination!!†â€Å"Does it look like I give a damn? We’re all bloody fighting alongside a Jerry! One of THEM! The same animals that were shootin’ at us ‘bout a minute ago!†â€Å"I’m not one of them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Shut up! You’re not one of us! You don’t belong here!†With that, Shelley lunged forward and grabbed Harold’s revolver from the holster; muted sounds amalgamated with blurred images as a flurry of action erupted. Jonas jerked ferociously from his revelation; perspiration seeped tentatively down his neck and onto his shirt. He was almost hyperventilating now, as he endeavoured to eradicate the graphic imagery from his mind. Suddenly, the doorbell chimed. Shocked by the abrupt disturbance, he swivelled around to face the doorway. Through the translucent glass, Jonas made out the silhouette of a male figure- standing upright, proud and tall. As his mother unlocked the door, he witnessed a look of disbelief emanate from her face. â€Å"Could it be†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Jonas muttered to himself, as his heart continued to race. The door opened, bringing with it†¦ †¦ a new hope.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Evaluation of Beck Depression Inventory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Evaluation of Beck Depression Inventory - Essay Example The reliability and validity of the test was shown to be very strong with reliability coefficients ranging from .77 to .89 in different studies and a strong correlation with scores of other common instrument. The tool was also shown to be valuable across several settings from clinical, through counseling to research purposes and finally, the strength and weakness of the instrument were considered. The Beck Depression Inventory is a psychological test that is widely acknowledge and accepted. The test was first created by Beck and his colleagues in the 1960s; however, since then the reliability and validity of the instrument have been examined in several languages amongst several populations and the general efficiency of the test as an instrument for measuring cognitive values has been widely established. The Beck Depression Inventory comes in questionnaire form that allows for self evaluation based on a point grade system of the questions contained in the questionnaire. Arnault, Saint, Shinji Sakamoto, Aiko Moriwaki (2006) reports that a study has been carried out with a Japanese population that validated the use of the instrument, Chellappa and Arajo 2006 also reported a validation of a Portuguese version of the test among a Brazilian sample, while Carano et al. (2006) also reported a stock taking and evaluation of the Psychometric properties of the test after twenty five years carried out by Beck et al (1988) Obviously, Beck Depression Inventory has undergone serious and several tests of validity, reliability and efficiency, and in most cases, the value of the instrument in measuring depressive symptoms have been credibly established. Purpose, Design and Format of Beck Depression Inventory In the commonest cases, and perhaps, as the name of the instrument suggests; Beck Depression Inventory is an instrument that is used for taking 'inventory' of the depressive tendencies and/or depressive symptoms in a sample population. It is sometimes used in conjunction with other psychological tests to evaluate other forms of cognitive values, for instance, Zywiak et al (2006) made use of BDI as an instrument to predict negative affect relapses in men undergoing formal treatment for alcoholism. However, in most cases, Beck Depression Inventory is aimed at measuring the severity of depression in a population. The questions of the instrument are so designed as to evaluate the patients' self report of activities, moods and behaviors for signs of depression symptoms and the severity of the symptoms, if present. In this regard, the instrument contains twenty one items that focuses majorly on the cognitive symptoms of depression. Each items in the instrument is rated on a four-point Likert-type scale with scores ranging from 0 - 3. The sum of the points of all the items in the instrument indicates the BDI score of the client, which is also an indication of the presence or otherwise, and the severity of depression in the client. The total possible score of the instrument is 84. A BDI score of between 0 and 9 is regarded as lack of, or minimal depression, total BDI scores of 10 - 18 is an indication of mild depression, while a total BDI score of 19 - 29 is an indication of moderate depression, any score above 29 is an indicati
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Social Performance, Part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Social Performance, Part 1 - Essay Example Customer relationships are often improved with the use of social performances as the use increases. Modern times have caused the use of such techniques in organizations to increase. This is since everyone is keen to be affiliated with progress in their respective corporations. What it aims at improving is seen with the poverty eradication schemes that it has enabled grow in the areas that it is in close proximity with. Social performance advocates primarily for the different functions that stakeholders, for example, the community present and employees of a company have at a specified time. Firms have specified their functions, and through rules and regulations, they can ensure that the organization’s standards are met. This paper will review the social performance of an organization. Also, how changes incorporated in the field could lead to improvements in the organization. The company being dealt with is a security firm that deals in protecting high profile people. The role it plays ensures that whenever something important is happening in the city, the firm would be able to protect them, and ensure their safety. There are different ways in which these personalities’ security is ensured. When they do seek the services of this firm, they entrust it with their lives. This means that everything they do is handled by the firm from when they arrive, to when they decide to depart. Stakeholders are people interested in the dealings of a company or business entity (Cooper, 2004). These interests make them want to be part of the growth of this venture so that they get to benefit from it. The primary stakeholders in this firm are the people who find that they are directly affected by the actions carried out by the firm. In this case, the primary stakeholders are the persons in need of the security details. They are directly affected in that the actions the firm undertakes make them highly susceptible to
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Analysis of Henr'sy V life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Analysis of Henr'sy V life - Essay Example Henry shows his military discipline in approving, without hesitation, the execution of Bardolph for stealing from a church: "We would have all such offenders so cut off". Yet there is no moment of compunction, no recognition of past ties between him and his Eastcheap companion, even though Fluellen makes a point of identifying Bardolph by his carbuncled complexion and nose "like a coal of fire". It is only retroactively linked with Henry's spontaneous and understandable anger over the massacre of the luggage attendants, an anger that then reaches excess in Henry's threat to cut more throats. If temperance is a cardinal virtue of the ruler, Henry has failed again. His behavior on the battlefield veers confusingly between coldblooded practicality and barely restrained fury. Henry is convinced that the course of the war is providentially arranged and that human intervention counts for little: "We are in God's hand, brother" ((Henry V (ed.), 1954, III. vi. 177) and "how thou pleasest, God, dispose the day!" (IV. iii. 133). Often, though, the dramatic context overlays Henry's religious assertions with irony. Henry determines that the campaign against the French "lies within the will of God," but only after declaring his intention to make the Dauphin pay dearly for his ill-advised gift of tennis balls. The favorable portrait of Henry is continually subject to ironic qualification without being totally undercut. Henry's possible chicanery or question the decency and fairness of his tactics modify the portrait of him as a hero without turning him into an antihero. Henry V is shown to us as a great leader, but not an infallible one." Henry Strong leadership shows imperialism that Shakespeare implies, requires cunning as... Henry has completely appropriated the persona of the soldier, calling it "A name that in my thoughts becomes me best". His threatening speech is thus predicated on a total divorce between the sensitive mortal who is bound to feel "pity" for violated women and butchered babies and the hardened military leader who would fatalistically let his soldiers run amok. If Henry actually allowed this brutality to take place, could he remain a respected ruler, full of "king-becoming graces"? Again there is a tenuous balance between the monarch's ruthlessness and "mercy." It is possible, though not certain, that the blood-chilling threats are merely a clever tactic to coerce surrender, so that once the Governor has capitulated Henry can "Use mercy to them all". There is a similar conflict between the King's "lenity" and "cruelty" toward an individual when Henry, while insisting on treating the French with respect and not stealing from their land because "the gentler gamester is the soonest winner ," nevertheless approves Bardolph's execution. He reveals no regret over the death of an old comrade for theft. The expedient military leader clearly cannot afford to be sentimental.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Transmission Electron Microscopy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Transmission Electron Microscopy - Coursework Example With the support of ray, diagrams explain how the images were obtained. Your explanation must include comments about the location and use of the objective and selected area apertures. A TEM consists of condenser lenses to focus the electron beam on the specimen, an objective lens to form diffraction in the BFP (Back focal plane) and the image in the image plane, and other lenses to magnify the image or the diffraction pattern on the screen. In order to obtain images in TEM, we either focus on the central spot (direct beam), or on the scattered electrons (diffracted beam). This is done by inserting an aperture (selected area aperture) into the BFP of the objective lens followed by selecting the appropriate beam. Bright field image (Figure 1) The given micrograph depicts a dark MgO crystal on a light and bright background. The topography on the face of the crystal is very clear. Such an image is called a bright field image and has a very high contrast. ...The parts of the crystal in Br agg orientation appear dark, and the amorphous parts of the crystal are bright. The objective diaphragm is adjusted in such a way that an aperture appears in the back focal plane of the objective lens, allowing only the direct beam to enter and blocking the diffracted beam. The objective aperture, when inserted, controls the collection angle. The placement of the SAD (selected area aperture) is critical as it should be adjusted to obtain only the direct beam in this case. Darkfield image (Figure 2) The micrograph in figure two depicts a bright MgO crystal on a dark background. Such an image is obtained by selecting only the scattered electrons using a selected area aperture, enabling them to reach the image plane. The electrons that are not in the direct beam are selected to form a dark field image. The objective aperture is moved sideways to select the un-scattered electrons. This method is of high utility in case of observing certain specific crystallographic orientations of the s pecimen. The dark field image can also be obtained through another method, called centered dark field operation. In this case, the objective aperture is not shifted and the primary/direct beam is used instead. "The beam is tilted in order to allow only the scattered/diffracted electrons to go through the objective aperture (William and Carter 2009). Selected area diffraction pattern SAED (Figure 7) The given micrograph clearly depicts the symmetry of the lattice of MgO crystal through a selected area diffraction pattern. Selected area diffraction patterns are obtained by inserting the SAD aperture into the image plane of the objective lens and aperture on the optic axis in the middle of the viewing screen (William and Carter 2009).
Monday, September 9, 2019
Federal National Mortgage Association(FANNIE MAE) and Federal Home Essay
Federal National Mortgage Association(FANNIE MAE) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FREDDIE MAC) and the Housing Crisis - Essay Example It allowed for banks charging low mortgage interest rates to encourage anyone interested in buying a home. It led to the creating a secondary market for mortgages. In this market, companies like Fannie Mae borrowed money from foreign markets at minimal interest rates since they were financially supported by the US Government. This enabled Fannie Mae to give fixed rate mortgage that have a very low deposit to any home buyer. Fannie Mae monopolized the secondary market for the first thirty years after its inception. In 1968, the Vietnam War created great fiscal pressure. This led to Fannie Mae’s privatization and its removal from the national budget by President Johnson. This is when it started to operate as a Government Supported Enterprise, GSE. It made profits for its shareholders and at the same time enjoyed being exempted from tax and oversight, despite being backed by the government. To prevent any further monopoly, another Government Supported Enterprise was formed in 1970. It was known as Freddie Mac. These two companies currently command a 90 per cent of the national secondary mortgage market. GSEs have experienced great growth financially over the years. Their combined asset base is currently at 45 per cent more than those of the biggest bank in the country. However, their combined debt equals 46 per cent of the present national debts. This high growth as well as over-leveraging has caused concerns in the Congress, the SEC and the Justice Department regarding their financial practices. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae happen to be the only corporations in the Fortune 500 league that do dot abide by the requirement to furnish the public about any difficulties in finances they undergo. In case they collapse, the taxpayers will have to foot the multi-billion dollar outstanding debt. A recent probe into Freddie Mac by the SEC and the Justice Department discovered accounting errors to the tune
Sunday, September 8, 2019
In what respects is Pluto more like a moon than a Jovian or Essay
In what respects is Pluto more like a moon than a Jovian or terrestrial planet - Essay Example Since Pluto is a small ice chunk, it does not quite settle into these two categories and is more similar to a satellite or moon (Weintraub 45). One of the criteria for any object to be categorized as a real planet is that it must have â€Å"cleared the neighborhood around its orbit." The mass of Earth is approximately 1.7 million times higher than the mass of all other objects within its orbit. Unfortunately, the mass of Pluto is only 0.07 times higher than the mass of its other orbiting objects. Consequently, in 2006 Pluto was officially relegated to a ‘dwarf planet’ (Weintraub 98). More objective minds have lately decided to remove Pluto from the list of planets surrounding the sun. There are some objects that are larger than the Pluto that would qualify to be included to the list of planets if really Pluto was deliberated a planet (Weintraub
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Justification Report Part 3 (Final) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Justification Report Part 3 (Final) - Essay Example The Department of Veteran Affairs is one of the most important departments within the US government but the department fails to perform its basic function- serving war veterans and their immediate family. The problem arises because the department has been unable to properly manage its human resource. This report presents recommendations on improving the situation mainly through non-monetary incentives given to the employees. These include training and development; employee empowerment; floating holidays and telecommuting among other options. Veteran Affairs is an organization within the US government which serves to fulfill the needs of army personnel who have fought wars for the country. The services of the department extend to the immediate family members of the veterans who have been injured or have died while serving in the army. This department performs one of the most crucial aspects of military service by serving as a source of motivation for army men and women currently working in the US Army. These people are reassured through such organizations that the US government would look after them and their families should they face any problem in the future. However, Veteran Affairs is failing to provide the needed services principally because of its human resource department. The human resource department is not calibrated to understand the importance of serving these people. This report explores the problems inherent in the human resource department from the perspective on an employee who has worked within the organization and understands the problems in depth. The report will also present reasonable and logical solutions for the problem explored. The main problem that this report intends to discuss is that currently the human resource department in Veteran Affairs is ill-equipped in managing the department. There is a glaring lack of document accountability which leads to
The corrupt police Essay Example for Free
The corrupt police Essay After closely reading Sonia Nazario’s 2006 Enrique’s Journey book, I can only gladly marvel at the author’s expertise in exploring the smallest facets of human nature. To illustrate, through the book, Nazario digs into the surface to demonstrate that humanity can demonstrate unparalleled hope, resilience, and determination. Such traits are evident through the actions of the book’s protagonist Enrique. On the flipside, reading the book has made me feel deep contempt with regard to the author’s depiction of some very unbecoming human qualities. For example, Nazario explains that some of the characters in the book portray behaviors that make the lives of other people very hard and even dangerous. Key among such characters are the corrupt Mexican police who thrive on bribes. Further, the bandits and the gangsters that Enrique encounters along the way do not make things easier for the young boy. Such unacceptable behavior makes me to regard humanity as upholding customs and behaviors that unnecessarily harm other people. All in all, Nazario’s Enrique’s Journey’s expert depiction of the details surrounding Enrique’s Honduras-USA voyage makes me unearth some commendable as well as unacceptable traits of human beings. To begin with, the determination that Enrique demonstrates as he charts unfamiliar and dangerous territory to find Lourdes his mother gladdens my heart due to the inherent resilience depicted. For instance, the young boy encounters many hardships both before and during the ambitious journey. It is worth noting that Enrique does to have the money to pay for his journey. He thus has to hop from the roof of one goods train to another to execute his voyage. This is a very dangerous undertaking because the boy risks being detected and deported or even making a false step that would mean his death. On top of being penniless, the boy only has the telephone address of his mother’s residence (Nazario 25). This is inadequate information to track someone in strange territory. Moreover, the boy encounters mean bandits and gangsters who add to his worries along the way. The bandits steal from immigrants like Enrique while the gangsters control the trains’ roofs the medium through which Enrique travels to America. The corrupt police who demand bribes from immigrants in exchange for safe passage to America add to Enrique’s troubles. Despite such seemingly insurmountable hardships, the boy bravely soldiers on, demonstrating unexplainable resilience and hope. Such a firm and consistent depiction of toughness that is sustained by indescribable hope makes my heart swell with pride due to the boy’s pleasant qualities. On the contrary, I am deeply perturbed by the extreme meanness and inconsiderate behavior that is demonstrated by some characters such as the bandits, the gangsters, and the police that Enrique encounters. For example, it is very irritating to learn that the police expect bribes from people who suffer like Enrique and his fellow immigrants. Such an act amounts to heartless exploitation of disenfranchised persons. Moreover, the bandits’ habit of stealing from suffering immigrants demonstrates a total lack of morals whereby humans behave like beasts. Similarly, the act of the gangsters purporting to own the roofs of the trains on which Enrique travels is very disheartening. Such unacceptable behavior, which demonstrates the dark side of human character, makes my heart bleed for the world’s suffering people of the likes of Enrique. In conclusion, reading Nazario’s Enrique’s Journey book has aroused both bitter and sweet sensations in me. For example, the police, bandits, and ganisters behavior of exploiting Enrique blots humanity’s characters, thus dampening my spirits. Conversely, Enrique’s utter resilience, courage, and hope that see him endure the heartrending journey are among humanity’s commendable characters which make me to become thrilled. Works Cited Nazario, Sonia. Enriques Journey. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2007.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Salmon Farming in British Columbia and Sea Lice Essay Example for Free
Salmon Farming in British Columbia and Sea Lice Essay British Columbia is lucky to have one the largest diversities of wild salmon on earth. There are about 8,000 races of wild salmon which are still surviving in British Columbia’s rivers today. For a long time, this population has been taken for granted and no one has been very keen on the preservation of the same. It is however emerging that this diversity is today being threatened by a host of human activities which are propelled by the financial benefit derived from them. The future of salmon on the coast of British Columbia is at risk if a sustainable solution will not be put in place (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). This paper seeks to analyze the situation in British Columbia and suggest sustainable solutions that should be implemented with an aim of saving wild salmon inhabiting this region. History Salmon farming in British Colombia started in the 1970s with small farms which were locally owned. These were concentrated more on the sunshine coast. The efforts for large scale farming of salmon at this time were curtailed by poor environmental conditions, market challenges and diseases. These challenges forced many out of business. The first voice to be raised against the impact of salmon farming on the wild species was raised by nations, local communities, environmentalists and fishermen in the 1980s. Apparently, they had realized the negative effect salmon farming was having on the ocean communities. They therefore called upon the concerned parties to act in order to ensure the safety of the wild salmon. The main player in the fisheries industry to whom these complains were raised was the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). In the year 1985, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) allowed salmon eggs from the Atlantic to be imported to the British Columbia. This move was in complete disregard of the dangers that were associated with such importation. Such included the issue of diseases and possible displacement of the wild salmon species. This was perhaps the first mistake the DFO committed in the management and protection of the wild species of salmon in the British Columbia (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). One year later, there was massive loss of farmed salmon in this region. An inquiry was set up to investigate this loss among other issues such as poor placement of salmon farms and the increasing number of complaints from the members of public. These events lead the government to impose a ban for one month against the setting up of new fish sites. Between the years 1985 to 1990, the salmon farming in British Columbia expanded rapidly from ten sites to more than one hundred and eighty sites. This was a great increment and was bound to bring problems in the future (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). In 1991, the first report was released explaining a case of Atlantic salmon trying to spawn in a pacific stream. The provincial government moratorium in 1995 prevented the formation of new farms but allowed the expansion of the existing farms. The number of tenures was capped at one hundred and twenty one. During this time, fish production increases tremendously. Between the years 1995 and 1997, a review of the environmental condition of the fish farming industry was initiated by the government. The main purpose of this review was to address the public concerns which by now had started to worry the government. The recommendations of this review were made public in 1997. These findings were supported by the provincial government. The British Columbia salmon farmers association also supported the findings and came up with a plan to implement them (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). It was in the year 2000 the an audit by Federal Auditor General identified conflicts of interest that existed between Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ promotion of farming of salmon and its mandate of protecting both wild fish and their habitat. This was followed by a senate committees report in 2001which revealed that DFO disregarded the mandate it had been given of protecting the stocks of wild fish. In 2001, a critique of the aquaculture industry that was funded by the David Suzuki foundation was conducted. The moratorium on new tenures that had been put in place in 1995 by the government was lifted in 2002 (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2001). The full picture of the extent to which the damage had been done on wild salmon came into public picture in 2002. During this year, there was a serious decrease in the stock of Broughton Archipelago pink salmon. This went to less than 5% of the expected returns. It was agreed by both the Department of Fisheries and Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council that the decreased numbers were particularly exceptional. Almost everyone, including First Nations, independent scientists, environmental groups and local communities suspected sea lice infestation as being the cause of this decline (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2001). The PFRCC released an advisory in the same year to the federal and provincial fisheries ministers. They were advised to order for the immediate removal of Broughton Archipelago salmon farms with the aim of protecting outward bound young pink salmon in the year 2003. However, Broughton Archipelago salmon farms continued to operate in 2003 disregarding the comprehensive media coverage on their effects and the opposition of the public against salmon’ farming (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2001). Salmon farming in British Columbia The origin of commercial farming was Europe. This then expanded up to Canada’s Maritime Provinces. The Atlantic salmon has been, and still is, the most liked species by the farmers. Reasons given for this include the fact that these types of salmon are more easily domesticated. They also have higher net-pen growth rates and are more stress resistant than their pacific counterparts (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). The British Columbia currently holds 121 tenures of fish farms. Of these, 80 are active. At this point, there is need to differentiate between fish farm tenure and a fish farm. â€Å"Tenure†is a legal term which is used to refer entitlement issued by British Columbia land and water and give directions on how the business of fish farming in these lands should be carried out. Fish farm tenures identify the number of fish farm sites that have been approved by the government. The capacities of fish farms here depend on the size and species of fish. A fish farm pen with an area of 1000m2 normally holds from 35000 to 90000 fish. For Atlantic salmon, stocking densities are normally from 8 to 18 kilograms per cubic meter. The range for Chinook salmon ranges from 5 to 10 kilograms per cubic meter. These stocking densities are normally varied by farmers as penned salmon grow with an aim of minimizing losses brought about by overcrowding and to maximize growth. (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). There are several species of salmon farmed in British Columbia. However, a large percentage (80%) of salmon farmed here are Atlantic salmon. The other species found here include Chinook and Coho, which are pacific species. These are the two species that farmers relied on most until 1985 but did very poorly. The Atlantic species are easier to raise and when the industry switched to this species, it prospered greatly. Despite there being a moratorium preventing the expansion of the industry between years 1986 and 1995, the production of salmon from the farms increased from and average of 400 to 68,000 tons (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). The problem of sea lice Serena Black in her article Sea lice hurting B. C. salmon that appeared in Capital News on April 1, 2010 compares the effect sea lice have on fish with the effect lice have on children. According to her, â€Å"sea lice to fish are like lice to a child. †According to her, lice are pests which can spread very quickly within close quarters. However, they do not normally cause much damage. This is however changing in the British Columbia especially with regard to wild salmon found along the British Columbia coast (Black, 2010). Black says that research carried out indicates that the farming of salmon in British Columbia is disturbing the life cycle of wild salmon and these cause outbreaks of diseases such as those caused by sea lice. This is a fact that that has for long been established by many scientists and organizations that have been doing research in the region about the effects of salmon farming in British Columbia. This has however been refuted strongly by the government. It has for long maintained that salmon farming in BC has much more benefit than the negative effects it brings on the environment (Black, 2010). A biologist by the name Alexandra Morton who is the director of the Salmon Coast Field Station in Simoom Sound in partnership with other scientists from all over North America carried out a research on the effects of sea lice to wild fish populations. These researchers were informed that there had been a case of increased catch of more diseased fish especially around the farms. This team came up with observations and they brought them to the provincial government (Black 2010). The government could however not act on the recommendations on the pretext that the researchers did not have sufficient scientific evidence to substantiate their claims. This prompted Morton to work with experts in the fisheries industry to ensure she gives professionalism to her research. The second research was published. This research addresses the impacts of sea lice from fish farms to wild fish (Black 2010). How sea lice affect salmon Sea lice feed and breed on the mucus covered membranes of fish. They mostly affect the young defenseless fish which have no scales. The fish farms are infected by sea lice through wild fish as they go back from migration. The lice are carried in the water by these wild fish and once they pass through fish farms, they leave them infected. The genesis of sea lice is therefore not the fish farms but wild fish (Black, 2010). Naturally, adult fish normally die before their eggs hatch. When the eggs hatch, the juvenile salmon are left defenseless and exposed to the attacks of sea lice. When the eggs hatch, the young fish enter the clean waters in preparation for their migration to the ocean. At this point they are not at any risk of infection (Black, 2010). Due to the large number of sea lice harbored by the fish farms, the young salmon pick them on their way back to the ocean. Once the lice attack fish, they leave large open holes that make it easy for the fish to be infected by other diseases. They also make them weak and therefore unable to withstand the challenge of the predators. This makes their death rates alarmingly high. The holes also make them unable to balance the salt levels in their bodies and those in the environment around them. Due to these reasons, juvenile fish die before they can reproduce and this reduces their numbers significantly. Black says that â€Å"Because there are no predators in the fish farms to get rid of the sick fish, they act as incubators to the disease. It spreads like wild fire†(Black, 2010). Adequacy of regulations on fish farming The farming of salmon in British Columbia is much like the farming of the same throughout the world. There are no special regulations put in place in terms of the manner in which this business is carried out. Fish are kept in large open net-pens and are mostly fed on commercial feed. They are treated with antibiotics and other relevant drugs according to the disorders the farmers want to treat. Harvesting is done at particular times when the fish attain a specified size and the harvest is sold the world over (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). The only differences are the regulations of the specific countries. The province has not come up with regulations beyond the control of pollution in its aquaculture industry. This seems inadequate considering the fact the British Columbia has to lose a lot. Despite the fact that British Columbia still boasts of maintaining most of its original races, this may not be the case in the near future if there is nothing that is going to be done urgently. This is because of the threats that are facing these races such as over fishing, habitat loss among other serious problems. The diversity in the Pacific has been as a result of many years of evolution. The six main species here include Coho, sockeye, pink, chum, steelhead and Chinook (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004) The available regulations are therefore not adequate to protect the wild species from the hostility of the sea lice so well bred by salmon farms in the region. Without such regulations, there lacks a framework upon which the government can work to ensure that nature is protected from man’s activities. It is also dangerous because the salmon farmers act without fear since there are no restrictions on their operations. Even when some restrictions had been put in place, it was only restricting the formation of new sites but not the expansion of the existing ones. This was the major reason why the production of farmed salmon was on the rise even with the moratorium in place. This shows that the government has not fully appreciated the effects farmed salmon has on the wild species (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). Government’s position The government clearly refutes the ‘claim’ that farmed salmon has any serious effects on the wild salmon. Its view is that the magnitude of the effect of farmed salmon on the wild species is so insignificant that the public should not worry about it. According to fisheries and oceans Canada, there are no fish farms in the Broughton Archipelago causing a dramatic increase in sea lice levels. According to the government, â€Å"there have been significant fluctuations in the number of pink salmon returns. This was long before salmon farms were introduced to the area in 1987†(DFO, 2010). DFO claims that the research that has been ongoing is showing that levels of sea lice affecting the wild pacific salmon have continued to decrease since 2004. It is of the opinion that sea lice do not only come from farmed salmon. They also have their sources on natural sources, that is, the marine environment (DFO, 2010). Solutions In looking for a sustainable solution to this problem, it is vital for everyone who is concerned to understand the magnitude of the problem. All the stakeholders must come together and decide on a way forward since protecting nature is paramount and is beyond personal interests. The government should take the lead and bring together the players in this industry for a round table discussion. Everyone must be willing to sacrifice for the sake of the environment (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). British Columbia should weigh the returns it gets from fish farming the damage this is doing to the environment for it to see how urgent this issue is. It is well known for example that most of the farms are not locally owned. They are owned by multinational companies and therefore the benefits derived from salmon farming here do not go to the immediate community which is suffering the effects of environmental damage (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). Chemical control of sea lice can not be a sustainable solution as the government claims. This is because these chemicals will also be harmful to the environment when they get to the ocean. SLICE, a pest control chemical, has been used for some time but has failed to offer a lasting solution. Farmers have been arguing that since their farms are seen as incubators to the sea lice, they can use chemicals to cure their fish and hence make it safer to farm salmon. They argue that they are not the ones who originated with the sea lice but the oceans. For this reason, they believe that they should not be blamed for any instances of loss of wild salmon. They believe that by using chemicals to treat their domesticated salmon, they are doing their part in the process of solving the problem of sea lice. More importantly, these farmers argue that they contribute a lot to the economy of British Columbia and they have a right to be spared by the government (Schering, 2010). It is therefore important to look for a way of making sure the farmed salmon and wild species do not interact at all. This may call for restructuring the whole industry especially on how the salmon is farmed. The farmers should come up with a way of ensuring that there is no chance of domesticated and wild salmon meeting (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). Meanwhile, it is important that fish farms are restricted from operation since the government cannot risk the loss of its wild salmon because of human activities. Whereas this may seem a violent approach to safeguarding the environment and in particular wild salmon, the benefits of the same go far and the returns will much better than the short term losses experienced (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). Any business in a country must be carried out in a sustainable way to ensure future generations enjoy the beauty of the environment enjoyed today. This is what is called for the fisheries industry in British Columbia. If the fish farms here cannot come up with a sustainable way of carrying out their business, they should not be allowed to operate at the expense of the environment (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). Conclusion Salmon farming in British Columbia has been going on for many decades. It has benefited many people ant the country at large. For a long time, this business went on in complete ignorance of the negative effects it was causing on wild species. However, today, it is evident that this business is very dangerous to the life cycle of wild salmon. This is evidenced by the researches done and the rapid decrease of wild salmon in the Coast of BC. It is time for all the stakeholders to find a lasting solution to this problem. This, as mentioned in the discussion above, must stem from the realization of the supremacy of nature above human selfishness and his thirst for wealth. References Black, S. (2010). Sea Lice Hurting B. C. Salmon. Capital news. Retrieved from http://www. capitalnews. ca/index. php/news/sealice-hurting-B. C. -salmon DFO, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. (2009) Facts about Sea Lice. Retrieved from http://www. dfo-mpo. gc. ca/aquaculture/lice-pou/lice-pou04-eng. htm Schering. (2010). SLICE For the control of Sea-lice. Retrieved from http://www. thefishsite. com/articles/9/slice-for-the-control-of-sealice Watershed Watches Salmon Society. (2004). Sea Lice and Salmon. Retrieved from https://docs. google. com/viewer? a=vpid=gmailattid=0. 2thid=128d00c4b32b7c67mt=application%2Fpdfurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmail. google. com%2Fmail%2F%3Fui%3D2%26ik%3D458390d2c6%26view%3Datt%26th%3D128d00c4b32b7c67%26attid%3D0. 2%26disp%3Dattd%26realattid%3Df_g9mvd2yl1%26zwsig=AHIEtbR6W7XWCSm6Ik_c7Scn1njQ8IQvlwpli=1a
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